Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Transformers Generations Combiner Wars, Aerialbots Silverbolt.

 Silverbolt was constructed out of a low-flying cargo transport vessel, which was modified to resemble an Earthly Concorde. He was later given life by Vector Sigma, along with the other Aerialbots. His character is defined by his extreme fear of heights and by his refusal to bow to it. He constantly struggles to project the image of a brave, determined soldier to hide his fear from others. Optimus Prime named him leader of the Aerialbots in the hopes that worrying about them would give him something else to focus on besides his own phobia. This has proven true and, not surprisingly, the mature, responsible Silverbolt makes an excellent commander. {from tfwiki.net}

I wait for a week for them to restock Silverbolt, finally I can play with combining mode, was excited when get it on my hand, but I found out the combining ports of the right arm are too stiff for any other combiners... Have to make some modifications on the ports.

 Click below links to other combiners post:
Bulkiest G1 style Silverbolt.

Rear. Like the simple nice transformations for this figure.

Side. The red plate on the leg is the half chest plate of Superion.

Close up. Nice head parts, but the sculpting looks a bit old for a young Cybertronian.

Aerobic dance for Aerialbots?? Articulations of Silverbolt.

Silverbolt's weapons. The winged part can attach to any other slots on Silverbolt, I prefer put on the left hand for being a shield.

Vehicle/jet mode, a concord jet plane with lots of stuff on the belly.

Rear. What a huge engines you got on your belly, can you really fly?

Top. Makes me think of the microns star saber.

Bottom of the concord.

Armed concord on air.

Heavily weaponize concord jet (fighter).

Don't know what for for the nose parts joint, too over for the angle. (I didn't hide the head after transforming into concord...)

Comparing with his fellow Aerialbots. (with Powerglide and Dragstrip)

Warlike Aerialbots.

Aerialbots! Move out!! (except Dragstrip, he is a Stunticons, wait till I get my sets of Menasor, I want Air Raid... T~T)

Comparing to G1 Silverbolt.

CW's Silverbolt VS G1 Silverbolt in jet mode.

Comparing with Jetfire. Woa, his is huge! (I mean Jetfire)

  Combining mode, body parts of Superion.

Rear view.

When I first do the combining, I combined Dragstrip on the right arm ports, I can't get it off from the ports. I found out the red parts(as below shown) for holding combiners was too thick, it jammed the combining slot. I got to chip off around 2mm of the area I highlight with yellow stripes in below picture, it solve the problems permanently, now it combine smoothly, great!

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