Click below link for the other X-Men from wave 2016:
BAF Juggernaut
Havok & Iceman
Wolverine & Kitty Pryde
Deadpool & Cable
Phoenix 360 GIF.
Phoenix/Jean Grey
As a founding member of the X-Men, Jean Grey has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans, as Marvel Girl and later Phoenix, most of her life. While piloting a spacecraft back to Earth, Jean was saved by the Phoenix Force and placed in a cocoon to heal, while the Phoenix impersonated her. After returning, Jean joined the founding members of X-Men in X-Factor and later became an X-Man once again. After her alternate timeline daughter Rachel Summers asked her to adopt the name of Phoenix, Jean did and was later merged with the Phoenix Force.
Close up on Jean Grey face. Eyes are a little off, so was Rogue, hope this not gonna happen in future.
Details of Jean's hair, not bad sculpting, but this parts is getting in the way.
Neck joint movement is limited by the huge hair parts.

Elbow joint only go up to 90 degree angle.

Knee joint is kind of stuck on this angle, weird, can't go any further. The high heel style feet is hard to stand Phoenix properly, exhausted to posing her. (She meant to be fly maybe?)

Maximum articulations. The under ribs articulations is bit bummer, limited swivel and forward/backward movement.

She is meant to be fly...

"I am Phoenix! The force of life in the cosmic!"

"I will burn you with my eternal fire!"

"No, Jean, stop, I am not your enemy!" Rogue.

Rogue 360 GIF.
Rogue/Anne Marie
Her mutant power manifested in a way that prevented her from being able to touch another person without absorbing their essence, personality, and in some cases, their powers.Out of fear of hurting her loved ones, she ran away and eventually joined up with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Acting on their orders, Rogue attacked Carol Danvers and permanently absorbed her powers of tough skin, superhuman strength, and flight and used those powers to attack the Avengers and X-Men.Being unable to control the mental personality of Carol, Rogue fled from the Brotherhood to the X-Men and joined them, where she has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of her life.
Close up on Rogue face.
Very nice torso details on Rogue, look sexy enough like in the comic and cartoon. The X-Men logo is bit scratches.
Neck joint movement is limited by the hair and collar on the jacket.
Elbow joint is also 90 degree angle fold like Phoenix.
The under breast ball joint can do swivel and forward/backward movement. The belt is not fixed on the waist.
The soft plastic ring on the knee joint is getting in the way of the joint, I think it is better sculpted on the lower leg or painted for better articulations. The upper boots parts on the knee is loose, not fixed on the thigh.
The articulations is not perfect on Rogue, but sculpting is very nice on her, I like this figure so much I would forget all the deflects on the figure.

Included a naked hand for her original mutant absorbing power.
She is also a flying heroine.
Up up and away!
I remember I saw her on tv when I was young, the X-Men cartoon...
And I thought why she got Superhuman power together with absorbing power, later the story tell that she gain the power from absorbing other superhuman strength, at the time I was impress the X-Men stories is kind of complicated not just simply a cartoon.
Rogue is a little shorter than Phoenix.
Four X-Men wave figs comparison.
Captain Marvel and Rogue, they are some how related...
"You will never get away this time, Rogue! Give me back my life!" Capt Marvel.

"Arsonist? How about I 'fire' you!?"

Meditating the force of universe.

Defeated!? But don't worried, Phoenix Force is an eternal lifeforms, she will soon rebirth from the death.

Cosmic force of life!

Super human strength! Super punch!

Not even a huge robot can stop her!

"Hear me, X-Men, I am your ally, call me Phoenix!"

Related posts:
BAF Juggernaut
Deadpool & Cable
Havok & Iceman
Space Knight Venom
Hobgoblin & Electro
Spider-b*tch & Silk
Peter Parker & Miles Morales
Jack O'LanternSpider-GwenVenom
Ben Reilly Spider-Man
Thanks for watching!

Click below link for the other X-Men from wave 2016:
BAF Juggernaut
Havok & Iceman
Wolverine & Kitty Pryde
Deadpool & Cable
Phoenix 360 GIF.

Phoenix/Jean Grey
As a founding member of the X-Men, Jean Grey has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans, as Marvel Girl and later Phoenix, most of her life. While piloting a spacecraft back to Earth, Jean was saved by the Phoenix Force and placed in a cocoon to heal, while the Phoenix impersonated her. After returning, Jean joined the founding members of X-Men in X-Factor and later became an X-Man once again. After her alternate timeline daughter Rachel Summers asked her to adopt the name of Phoenix, Jean did and was later merged with the Phoenix Force.
Close up on Jean Grey face. Eyes are a little off, so was Rogue, hope this not gonna happen in future.

Details of Jean's hair, not bad sculpting, but this parts is getting in the way.

Neck joint movement is limited by the huge hair parts.

Elbow joint only go up to 90 degree angle.

Knee joint is kind of stuck on this angle, weird, can't go any further. The high heel style feet is hard to stand Phoenix properly, exhausted to posing her. (She meant to be fly maybe?)

Maximum articulations. The under ribs articulations is bit bummer, limited swivel and forward/backward movement.

She is meant to be fly...

"I am Phoenix! The force of life in the cosmic!"

"I will burn you with my eternal fire!"

"No, Jean, stop, I am not your enemy!" Rogue.

Rogue 360 GIF.

Rogue/Anne Marie
Her mutant power manifested in a way that prevented her from being able to touch another person without absorbing their essence, personality, and in some cases, their powers.Out of fear of hurting her loved ones, she ran away and eventually joined up with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Acting on their orders, Rogue attacked Carol Danvers and permanently absorbed her powers of tough skin, superhuman strength, and flight and used those powers to attack the Avengers and X-Men.Being unable to control the mental personality of Carol, Rogue fled from the Brotherhood to the X-Men and joined them, where she has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of her life.
Close up on Rogue face.

Very nice torso details on Rogue, look sexy enough like in the comic and cartoon. The X-Men logo is bit scratches.

Neck joint movement is limited by the hair and collar on the jacket.

Elbow joint is also 90 degree angle fold like Phoenix.

The under breast ball joint can do swivel and forward/backward movement. The belt is not fixed on the waist.

The soft plastic ring on the knee joint is getting in the way of the joint, I think it is better sculpted on the lower leg or painted for better articulations. The upper boots parts on the knee is loose, not fixed on the thigh.

The articulations is not perfect on Rogue, but sculpting is very nice on her, I like this figure so much I would forget all the deflects on the figure.

Included a naked hand for her original mutant absorbing power.

She is also a flying heroine.

Up up and away!

I remember I saw her on tv when I was young, the X-Men cartoon...

And I thought why she got Superhuman power together with absorbing power, later the story tell that she gain the power from absorbing other superhuman strength, at the time I was impress the X-Men stories is kind of complicated not just simply a cartoon.

Rogue is a little shorter than Phoenix.

Four X-Men wave figs comparison.

Captain Marvel and Rogue, they are some how related...

"You will never get away this time, Rogue! Give me back my life!" Capt Marvel.

"Arsonist? How about I 'fire' you!?"

Meditating the force of universe.

Defeated!? But don't worried, Phoenix Force is an eternal lifeforms, she will soon rebirth from the death.

Cosmic force of life!

Super human strength! Super punch!

Not even a huge robot can stop her!

"Hear me, X-Men, I am your ally, call me Phoenix!"

Related posts:
BAF Juggernaut
Deadpool & Cable
Havok & Iceman
Space Knight Venom
Hobgoblin & Electro
Spider-b*tch & Silk
Peter Parker & Miles Morales
Jack O'LanternSpider-GwenVenom
Ben Reilly Spider-Man
Thanks for watching!
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