Monday, April 10, 2017

Figma Berserk SP-080, Femto, Birth Of The Hawk Of Darkness version.



After his transformation into Femto, Griffith completely discards his morality and now solely exists to fulfill his dream along with humanity's collective will. Griffith displays great cruelty once becoming Femto, his first act being his rape of Casca in front of Guts, who is forced to watch, held down by a demon. This causes the mutation of Guts' and Casca's unborn child into the Demon Child; however, whether Femto is aware of this or not is unknown.

While now aloof and viewing humanity from a deterministic perspective with neither fear nor bewilderment, Griffith's ability to empathize since his God Hand status is debatable; when he sees Guts on the Hill of Swords, he does so in order to determine whether or not anything will "sway his heart", something that he would not consider if he knew for sure that he no longer felt anything for Guts.

During Guts' second battle against Zodd, Griffith, his heart racing, shields Casca from a cascade of boulders; he justifies the act by claiming that the feelings of Guts' mutated child infused into his vessel had influenced him, though this could be interpreted as denial.

Berserk manga series is one of my most favorite Japan comic, bloody gore, hardcore storyline, and the art style of the comic, amazing.

SP-080 Femto, Birth Of The Hawk Of Darkness version box sets.

The box art on either side is very nice.

Femto 360 GIF.

Height wise 6.4 inches.

Close up on Femto's face, no other expression parts include in this set. (I think neither than the normal version)

Back of the head.

Torso details, look kind of familiar.

Back of the cape/wings.

Those cape is too hard for the figure, and the joint on the back of the shoulders are no good for articulation clearance, because the shoulder armor-like piece are connected to the cape, it is obstructed for moving the whole cape, if the shoulder armor is separated, then it is different story.

Hard material makes good shapes, but bad for articulation, I can't remember how many times it pop off when I am posing this figure. Luckily Femto cape is thinner than the previous Berserk Figmas, make it easier to stand.

The articulation of the cape. Hope there is other materials to replace this in the future.

Have to push the cape to the back for lifting up the arm.

Femto without the cape/wings 360 GIF.

Three L shape rods on the shoulder is to prevent the peg hole from shrinking.

Ten kind of hand gestures in this sets.

Head can move backward to this angle, it can turn 360 if it is right angle.

Elbow joint can only fold 90 degree angle.

Forward leaning rib joint and waist joint.

It can turn 360.

Leg articulations is acceptable.

This figure itself is very nice for posing, but the ankle movement is a bit limited.

I was thinking why Femto look familiar with something, it look like the new Robocop, and mix with Xenomorph, lol. Berserk's writer Miura sensei possibly like Giger's artworks a lots. (I think he is Giger and Hellraiser fans)

The hatched egg of the dark king.

With Femto in the egg.

The face piece is separated from the egg base.

Eerie little face on the egg, creepy~~ 😕

Wonder is this mold from the sculptor's mouth...? (kidding, hehe)

Look really nice from far, it is painted.

The base of the egg, look kind of like bloody roots.

The other side of the base.

Femto remove from the egg.


Compare with Griffith.

The Berserk Figmas line up.

The darkness and the light.

Comic cover part 12. The egg in this box is from the comic cover artwork book 12.

Chapter 70: Requiem Of The Wind. The unborn Femto.

Fetus of dark king.

The newborn Femto come out from the egg.

And thus, the hawk of darkness has rise!


Femto sacrifice all his soldiers and friends to let himself become the darkness king.

He rape Casca in front of Guts...

"You two belongs to me, traitor!"

"You are mine, Guts!"

Hope someday, Miura Sensei will get the story to this state...


"You thought you could get me with your rusty metal...!?"

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