RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type
The GM Ground Type was intended to gather combat data on the battlefield, and it is lower cost to build than the Gundam Ground Type, but only 42 units are build during the war. Most of the parts on GM Ground Type are same as its counterpart, so, most of the parts are compatible. But this GM Ground Type was discontinued and replaced as soon as the cheaper RGM-79 GM built.
This 3D modeling is actually the side product of the RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type builds, I only build the head unit, the backpack, and make some changes on some of the parts. And I also build the beam sniper rifle for the GM Sniper(Ground Type), make some changes to the original GM Ground Type, which makes the Ground Type into Sniper version.
Enjoy the pics!
GM Ground Type in 360 GIF.
The front of the GM Ground Type. The front of the main bot is not much different from the RX-79(G), only the chest ventilation is now symmetric.
45 degrees angle of the MS. The vent is smaller, the bottom of the cockpit is different from the RX-79(G), as in the series.
Side view.
45 degree rear angle view of the MS. The back of the torso is different, the rack is gone, and replace by the standard rocket backpack.
Rear view. I changed a little bit how the standard backpack looks, but just a slightly changes, looks more details from the original one.
Close up on the MS. The main builds of this GM is the head, the rest is just re-use from the Gundam Ground Type. I make the head look more fierce by angle up the side of the visor and the face. (I build the head unit during finishing the Gundam Ground Type)
The secondary build of this MS is the backpack. I have to detail up the backpack as the original design is quite simple and dull.
Legs. The knee armor is removed and replaced by this simpler and smaller knee armor, the rest is just the same as the Gundam.
RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type
The GM Ground Type was intended to gather combat data on the battlefield, and it is lower cost to build than the Gundam Ground Type, but only 42 units are build during the war. Most of the parts on GM Ground Type are same as its counterpart, so, most of the parts are compatible. But this GM Ground Type was discontinued and replaced as soon as the cheaper RGM-79 GM built.
Classification Limited Production General-Purpose Ground Mobile Suit
Model Number RGM-79[G]
Official Name GM Ground Type (陸戦型ジム)
Head Height 18.0 m
Base Weight 53.8 t
Full Weight 66.0 t
Power Source Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor
Generator Output 1150 kW
Armor Material Luna Titanium (on semi-monocoque frame)
Total Thrust 49000 kg
Maximum Acceleration 0.74 G
Effective Sensor Radius 6000 m
Crew Pilot only (in standard cockpit in torso)
This 3D modeling is actually the side product of the RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type builds, I only build the head unit, the backpack, and make some changes on some of the parts. And I also build the beam sniper rifle for the GM Sniper(Ground Type), make some changes to the original GM Ground Type, which makes the Ground Type into Sniper version.
Enjoy the pics!
GM Ground Type in 360 GIF.
The front of the GM Ground Type. The front of the main bot is not much different from the RX-79(G), only the chest ventilation is now symmetric.
45 degrees angle of the MS. The vent is smaller, the bottom of the cockpit is different from the RX-79(G), as in the series.
Side view.
45 degree rear angle view of the MS. The back of the torso is different, the rack is gone, and replace by the standard rocket backpack.
Rear view. I changed a little bit how the standard backpack looks, but just a slightly changes, looks more details from the original one.
Close up on the MS. The main builds of this GM is the head, the rest is just re-use from the Gundam Ground Type. I make the head look more fierce by angle up the side of the visor and the face. (I build the head unit during finishing the Gundam Ground Type)
The secondary build of this MS is the backpack. I have to detail up the backpack as the original design is quite simple and dull.
Legs. The knee armor is removed and replaced by this simpler and smaller knee armor, the rest is just the same as the Gundam.
Dorsal view of the GM.
Bottom view.
I also make the rack version of GM Ground Type, although it is not really a thing in the anime series, it looks cool.
The back of the GM with rack.
The main difference between the GMs is the head unit, this version is equipped with machine guns. (actually, the back of the torso is different too)
The GM carry the container.
The machine gun is the same as the RX-79(G), just the color is vary.
The small shield is in different colors, and the number on the shield is different too. (the number is team 07)
The GM holding the machine gun.
With the missile launcher. (I really like the scene that the GM Ground Type carrying the missile launcher)
Wireframe view on the 3D model.
Front in sketch mode view.
The back of the GM.
Angled view of the GM.
Close up sketch mode of the GM with rack.
The back of the GM Ground Type with rack.
RGM-79(G) GM Sniper (Ground Type)
The whole 3D model is the same as the GM Ground Type, but the top of the shoulder is a little bit different.
And I make some of the parts in different colors because the original GM Sniper is in plain color, so, I put some deeper colors on some of the parts.

The main weapon of the GM Sniper, the LOOONG Beam Rifle. This is what makes this GM different than others.
This is one of the favorite weapons of mine in the one year war, there is another GM Sniper carry this weapon, but this version is the one I like the most.
The bottom of the rifle. The hole at the bottom of the T-shape thing is a cooling vent because by the rate the rifle is shooting, there should be more vent to be on the rifle. (I don't have the time now to make the power generator backpack for this GM Sniper, maybe in future, I will make it.)
I think the barrel is a bit longer than the original design, but I like it how it looks now.
In the sniper pose.
The back of the pose.
GM Ground Types in action. (copy the scene in the MS Igloo 2)
"Minovsky level is getting higher, get ready to battle!"
Ground Type VS Zaku I!
GM Sniper with the beam blasting effects.
Replicate the scene in The 08th MS Team. GM Sniper was attacking the Apsalus III.
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