RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type
A limited 20 units of RX-79(G) release into the battlefield for field testing, mainly design for ground battle. The most significant difference from this MS to the RX-78 Gundam is the backpack and the chest, the backpack is a weapon rack system for storing weapons and equipment, it can also mount a parachute backpack for airborne deployment.
The generator of the Ground Type is smaller than the normal Gundam, hence smaller generator output, I think this is why they could fit in the weapon systems on the left chest. The choice of the weapon this Gundam could use is plentiful, Sub Machine Gun, Beam rifle, Cannon, Bazooka, Missile Launcher... (Ground Type is the lucky one)
Technically this MS is the soldier/paratrooper of the Gundams, fight in the forest, in the river, in harsh conditions... (awesome)
A limited 20 units of RX-79(G) release into the battlefield for field testing, mainly design for ground battle. The most significant difference from this MS to the RX-78 Gundam is the backpack and the chest, the backpack is a weapon rack system for storing weapons and equipment, it can also mount a parachute backpack for airborne deployment.
The generator of the Ground Type is smaller than the normal Gundam, hence smaller generator output, I think this is why they could fit in the weapon systems on the left chest. The choice of the weapon this Gundam could use is plentiful, Sub Machine Gun, Beam rifle, Cannon, Bazooka, Missile Launcher... (Ground Type is the lucky one)
Technically this MS is the soldier/paratrooper of the Gundams, fight in the forest, in the river, in harsh conditions... (awesome)
Classification : Limited Production General-Purpose Ground Mobile Suit
Model Number : RX-79[G]
Official Name : Gundam Ground Type (陸戦型ガンダム)
Head Height : 18.0 m
Overall Height : 18.2 m
Base Weight : 52.8 t
Full Weight : 73 t
Power Source : Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor
Generator Output : 1350 kW
Armor Material : Luna Titanium
Total Thrust : 52000 kg
Maximum Acceleration : 0.71 G
Effective Sensor Radius : 5900 m
Crew : Pilot only (in standard cockpit in chest)
I decided to model the Gundam Ground Type after the review of the Micro Wars 2, part of it because of the Micro Wars sets, but the main reason is because I really like the war zone kind of feel, this MS is fulfilling my desire. The 08th MS Team series is one of my favorite Gundam series thorough the years, I've got the old HG series RX-79(G) and Zaku II sets(first 08th Team model kits), Master grade RX-79(G) and Ez8 model kits, those are my favorite kits, I always play with them (joints are loose now, poor little guy...).
For the modeling, I didn't use them as an example to make the 3D model, all I do is searching the concept arts on the web, think back how they look when the time I am playing the kits (I don't have the model kits with me anyway). I change a bit some of the original design, modified, blend with some of the concept arts, this is how it looks now. Why the chest is looking that right now, because I was thinking of how it will look if the chest is not box-like design, and it looks like the original RX-78 Gundam style, the slanted-in style, this will make the Ground Type looks a lot different.
I am having a good time modeling this Gundam, a lot of accessories to make, variations, and it is the protagonist MS (ha). Still a lot to go on this 3D model, will do tactical gears for the Gundam, and GM Ground Type, Ez8, Sniper... I even made a space type version! (my own design)
Enjoy the pics!
Gundam Ground Type in 360 GIF.
Front view of the Gundam.
Most of the joint I am doing, I am using a model kit style, because doing mechanical joint will be impractical for animated the 3D model.

Side view of the model.
45 degrees angle view from rear.

The back.
Close up on the model. The most different things on the model I made, is the chest section, the original Gundam Ground Type is a box-like shape chest, I made it more like the traditional Gundam chest, which is the air went is 45 degrees slanted down into the ribs, it looks more compact now.
Close up on the back of the model. I change the style of the backpack rack, making it look better, more details, the original one is quite simple.
Dorsal view of the Gundam Ground Type.
The view from the bottom.
I made the thigh a little chunky then before, the legs is not much different from the original one, just a bit adjustment.
I use the style from the concept art to do the back of the thigh.
The extended backpack rack, not much different from the original, just more details on the rack.
The standard SMG for the Gundam, my most favorite weapon for the Ground Type.
I made this SMG years ago when modeling the GM, I did some modifications to the old model before and now I changed it to the standard version 100MM Machine Gun.
With the Gundam holding the machine gun.
The low down version of the original Gundam beam rifle.
This rifle is totally new and builds from zero.
With the 79(G) holding the beam rifle.
The six missiles launcher pod.
I already build the pod from the previous 3D model, the Guntank Onslaught (click HERE for this builds). All I need to do is clone the pod and put it in the right position, and made the middle parts (the handle and the sensor unit), easy build.
With the Ground Type holding the launcher.
The heavy artillery for the 08th team, 180 mm cannon.
The huge gun that destroy many Zeon mobile suits, this is my second most favorite weapon of Gundam Ground Type.
And I did made it detachable like in the anime series, I use the original draft art as base to build.
Ground Type holding the cannon. (with the container as cover, half cover)
The weapon container box that store the 180 mm Cannon.
The back of the box.
The interior of the container.
This is how the cannon fits into the box.
The standard shield use by the 79(G), smaller in sizes, more compact to use. Mainly use for cover the critical area of the MS.
The back of the shield.
The shield is extendable, it uses as a close combat weapon when needed.

This support frame is for standing up the small shield, that the 180 mm cannon can use it as supports.
180 mm cannon with the small shield as supports.
Beam saber is also the standard weapon on 79(G).
The model have no problems kneeling down.

The wireframe of the model.
Front, in sketch mode.
Side view.
Dorsal view.
45 degree angle view.
45 degree angle view from back.
The three unit Gundam Ground Type in the anime are pretty much identical, except for Karen's 79(G) head is destroyed in the later parts of the series, I did make the GM Ground Type head for Karen's 79(G).
RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type are ready for deployment, "Shiro Amada, ready to take off!"
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