Tuesday, January 26, 2016

(LEGO MOC) 4WD Pick-up.

My MOC Four Wheel Drive Pick-Up.

360 GIF.

I build it because of the other pick-ups in Lego is not cool enough for me.

Build it by combining 60084 Racing Bike Transporter & 60055 Monster Truck.

Original 60084 transporter look so lame for towing two race bike at the back, so, it's time to upgrade.

Wide tires.

Longer than usual 4WD.

Top. With four spotlights on the roof.

Huge cabin.

Enough for two minifigs.

Of course the door is working.

The back bed can fill in some crates of bricks.

It is open-able.

The original transporter trailer is usable for this pick-up.

Compare to Chase Maccain SUV.