Monday, August 15, 2016

SHFigurearts Shinkocchou, Kuuga Ultimate Form.


Box art of Kuuga Ultimate.

360 GIF.

Head height 5.9 inches.

Close up.

Henshin belt is very detailed.

Neck articulations not bad, head can turn 360, tilted well.

Elbow joint can lift up to 110 degree angle.

There is a swivel point on the forearm.

Shoulder is double joint for better motion poses.

Remove the shoulder armor to reveal the inner parts.

Waist articulations is also limited.

Legs articulations, not bad. But the hips in and out joint is limited to only 80 degree angle.

Goudai favorite gesture.


Shinkocchou series looks very fine for posing.

The black eye version head.

Just unplug the head to exchange.


"Senpai, why you...!?"

Warrior of destruction.

Compare to previous SHF Kuuga Ultimate.

The old one is much taller than the new version.

Close up compare. (no need to judge which is better)

A lots of different on the qualities and designs, the gold on the old version is much more yellow-ish than the new one.

A lots of different under the shoe too.

Comparison with several other SHF.

N. Daguva. Zeba VS Kuuga Ultimate.

Kuuga Ultimate VS Rising Ultimate Kuuga.

Kuuga Ultimate VS Shinkocchou Agito Ground Form.

"Your design is not bad, but your stories ending is really bad."

"Waaaaa---! It's not my fault, senior..."

Agito Shining Form VS Kuuga Ultimate.

My only four 'Kuuga' series SHF.

[Scenes from the series]

"The Final Battle."

Goudai decided to meet N. Daguva. Zeba for the final death duel.

They fight!

They punch to other at the same time...

Their power evenly matched.

They punch together again!

Kuuga kicked N. Daguva. Zeba...

He punch back...

They keep punching...

...and punching...
(the power of supernatural is no use under this superb beings condition)

Kuuga attack N. Daguva. Zeba's belt.

His belt is damage...

Goudai take the chance to continue beating N. Daguva. Zeba.

After the shocked of the belt, he was being punch by Kuuga several times.

Gurongi Lord returns the favor to Kuuga.

Now, Kuuga's belt is damage too. (that's means the superior power fighting gonna end soon...)

After the damage, they still keep fighting, like there is no end.

When Mr. Ichijo reached the location, he saw two warriors was laying on the ground...

Ancient warrior of Linto.

仮面ライダー クウガ アルティメットフォーム!

Related posts:

Shinkocchou Agito
SHF Rising Ultimate Kuuga
SIC Kiwami Rising Ultimate Kuuga
SIC Kiwami kuuga
SHF Ultimate Kuuga

Thanks for watching!

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