Bruticus is the combined form of the Combaticon team. A terrifying sight on the battlefield, Bruticus is among the strongest of all Transformers. He can pulverize a suspension bridge with a single 14,000 psi punch. He can lift up to 500,000 pounds. His armor is impervious to most artillery and radiation.
He's also as dumb as a sack of hammers. But as far as Decepticon combiners go, that's not a problem, as mental problems aren't terribly uncommon. In fact, Megatron wishes that he had an army of Bruticuses, and Optimus Prime is thankful that he doesn't.
Bruticus is the combined form of the Combaticon team. A terrifying sight on the battlefield, Bruticus is among the strongest of all Transformers. He can pulverize a suspension bridge with a single 14,000 psi punch. He can lift up to 500,000 pounds. His armor is impervious to most artillery and radiation.
He's also as dumb as a sack of hammers. But as far as Decepticon combiners go, that's not a problem, as mental problems aren't terribly uncommon. In fact, Megatron wishes that he had an army of Bruticuses, and Optimus Prime is thankful that he doesn't.
Onslaught alt mode 360 GIF.
The top of the alt mode.
Full armed Onslaught anti aircraft truck.
Close up on the driving cockpit.
This should be 'Hotspot' front end, but not for Onslaught.
Robot mode 360 GIF.
The articulations of the figure. The shoulder on Onslaught is very loose, it can't hold up itself, I have put some super glue on to fix it.
Two huge cannon for the weapons.
There is space under the chest piece, useful safe spot for small stuff...
Very nice paint details on Onslaught.
Special mode? Rotflol!!
In Combiner mode.
The design is good, just the thigh is a little too thick.

Blast Off's alt mode, space shuttle. (GIF)
A very small space shuttle compare to Onslaught.
With full weapons. You can't see the second weapons because it is well hidden the bottom of the front end of shuttle.
This is where the gun store in alt mode.
Robot mode. (GIF)
Full articulated.
With tilted feet joint, better balance on standing.
This figure overall looks not bad.
The small gun of Blast Off.
With combiner part.
Special mode for Blast Off?
Combiner mode, right arm of Bruticus.
Alternate combiner mode.
Blast Off's head is loose, if the combiner port is lifted up, the head will fall off immediately.
Vorter/Vortex. (GIF)
Robot mode. (GIF)
Have the same gun like Alpha Bravo.
Compare to Alpha Bravo in alt mode.
Robot mode is exactly the same, only the color scheme is different.
The only different is the propeller.
Click HERE to see Alpha Bravo.
In combiner mode, Bruticus left arm.
Alternate combiner mode, leg.
Swindle alt mode. (GIF)
Really nice military buggy.
Robot mode. (GIF)
Articulation of Swindle.
Tilted feet joint.

Armed with combiner part.
Right leg of Bruticus.
Alternate combining mode, right arm.
Brawl's alt mode. (GIF)
Robot mode. (GIF)
Articulation is a bit of limited.
The gun barrel is hard to remove if don't know how to do it, the instruction didn't show how to remove.
Full arm with combiner part.
Third mode? Gerwalk tank??
Combiner mode, left leg of Bruticus.
Alternate combining mode of Brawl, left arm.
Combaticon alt mode line up.
Combaticon Bruticus.
Same as Protectron, the cannon can form a larger weapon.
Can flip up the backpack to reveal the cannon.
Alternate combining mode.
Look much bulkier than previous combining style.
Compare to Aerialbot Superion.
My all Combiners. (damn't... crowded!)
Bruticus VS Superion!
"Eat my metal fist, Aerialbot!"
"You are finish!!"
Thanks for watching!
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