Sunday, August 28, 2016

Takara Transformers Legends, LG-21 Headmaster Hardhead.


is a soldier to his core. A soldier with a stubborn streak a megamile wide. He's stubborn to the point of rejecting outright any path but his own, any idea that goes against his natural instinct or inclination (namely fighting), and any advice he didn't come up with himself. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, it tends to be blunt and terse, if not outright rude. A soldier doesn't waste time on social niceties when there's a war to fight.

Perhaps surprisingly, given his limited social aptitude, Hardhead has found a good companion in Duros, his binary-bonded Nebulan partner, who enjoys warfare just as much as Hardhead does. The two mesh so well, it's been said that theirs may be the best match among all the Autobot-Nebulan teams.

Alt mode 360 GIF.

Didn't expect Hasbro/Takara Hardhead would be that good, simple transformations, nice detailng, well done.

Bottom of the tank, with translucent wheels.

Headmaster Ros in the cockpit. That translucent cockpit door looks really great on the tank.

Tank's cockpit.

The rifle can plug on the hole on the cannon.

Flip up the cover to reveal the seat for Headmasters.


There is four pegs around the alt mode for Headmaster figures to stand on. This function remind me of Starcom, which the passenger can stand on the tank, but the different is, Starcom is using magnets to do that.

With the gun turret removed.

This shows the rifle plug on the turret area.

Alt mode equiped with Galvatron's cannon.

Comparing to Skullcruncher in alt mode.

Skullcruncher is very long compare to other Headmaster.

Tank mode compare to Galvatron.

Headmaster Ros. (360 GIF)

Compare with other two Headmaster Grax and Megatron.

In head mode.

Robot mode 360 GIF.

Close up details. Those holes on the chest is hollow.

Head can turn 360 easily, but the barrel is kind of get in the way.

Arms articulations, acceptable.

Knee can bend 90 degree.

The cannon is retractable on the back.

Hardhead's weapon, a rifle.

Kind of look like H&K G36.

This rifle is more like a tactical weapon, but Hardhead is an army guy...

With the cannon held on hand.

If this was loaded with spring shooter, that would be very nice.

Handheld cannon, neat.

Ros on tankette. A very cute tank vehicle.

It can transform into plane, and I found out that Headmasters can also combine with the plane too.

What kind of weapon is this!?

I'm shifting around the weapons to try how it look, cool.

Another example.

Galvatron's cannon on the shoulder.

Megatron finally gets a body that ressemble his old self with back tube, lol.

Headmasters comparing.

Compares with other series fellow Autobots.

Headmasters fought through Millennia, until now, they're still fighting each others, they should be compatriots on planet Master...

"Headmasters ep 24: Ultra Magnus Must Dies!!"
(oops, spoiler alert!)

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