Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mastermind Creations Reformatted R-27 Calidus. (aka Rodimus)


Arrogant, rash, and believes his own press. Call him Hot Rod or Rodimus, he's got a good spark, but you might need to tread carefully to find it.

Box art of R-27 Calidus.
Really happy to see MMC release this version of 'not Rodimus', it is the most handsome version of all Hot Rod/Rodimus (in my opinion), although it is too big to play with Hasbro figures, it's still very nice to have it. SXS is later releasing their version of 'not Rodimus', it is nice, but I still think MMC is the best. (not saying SXS version is bad, just I prefer MMC version, SXS's Hot Flame is another design of comic 'MTMTE' Rodimus, it's fine to choose what preferring design)

Alt mode 360 GIF.

Top view. I much prefer the vehicle without the bow.

Bow arms are retractable on the vehicle, and the gun can plug on the 5mm post on the top back of the roof.

5mm peg post is suitable for other Transformers weapons, but it's a little tight.

Remove all weapons. Look not that bad actually, almost same like in the comic.

The rear wheels is weird putting that position, like three wheeler vehicle, but the wheels design is nice.

Side. Wonder what that grove do on the side of the shoulder, for sliding in the bow?

Those wheels are cool, when I saw this kind open wheeled design, I always think of Tumbler, too poison mind, lol.

I like this clear canopy parts, it look awesome.

Removed the rear wings.

Looking weird and imperfect without the wings.

Beneath the vehicle, the bottom design is still acceptable, lower legs with exhaust details resembling engine, no obvious hidden limbs, just the hand doesn't transform into burner jet like the comic version.

The head is actually hidden behind the cap. Visible hands is annoying to me, really hope they could do the flip over transformation for the hand.

Not long enough? Extend the front! (it will leave a huge gap between the vehicle, lol! Just a transformation step)

Compare to Henkei and Titans Return Hot rod/Rodimus.

Back comparison, Calidus is the best looking in the group now.

Compares to his MMC comrades, Calidus is huge compare to Prominon's truck mode.

Size wise, Prominon is a bit longer than Calidus. (can't see the actual size in this angle...)

Robot mode in 360 GIF.

Head height is roughly seven inches.

Close up on the handsome face. (I first saw the pre-product pic, I didn't like the face sculpt of this figure, but luckily it look well in production figures)

Another head piece in this R-27 box, the face expression on this head is smiling, his trademark face, lol. (have to remove the screw on the back to remove the head, so as the second head)

Torso details, the chest design is not bad for my opinion, it can be remove (kind of hard to remove), but there is nothing beneath the chest piece. (searching for some details under there, hehe)

The backpack is looking ok, not too bulky or wide, I am ok with it. (what? expecting folding winds??)

Backpack wings is removable, it is just hold by friction. (there is some clear coating on that area)

Lower leg, the actual wheel in the leg design is cool.

Simple mechanism and good looking at the same time, nicely engineered.

The front bumper/bonnet is just at the back of the lower leg.

Head can turn 360.

Arm articulation is not bad, just it can't flex that well at the side.

But folding by front position is very nice.

Shoulder is extendable, because of the way the shoulder design like that.

Fingers on hinge, index finger is separate from the rest, this hand is mainly design for holding the bow, and it can hold the gun by using the 5mm post on the hand too.

The swivel joint on the waist can only turn 90 degree to each of the side, it is obstructed by the backpack.

Knee joint can fold over 90 degree angles, but the tilting ankle joint is not enough for spread open poses, hips joint's only problem is too tight, feel like it will break when turn it.

Rodimus basic gun.

The grove at the back of the gun look like for some attachment, wonder it does do that?

The gun can attach on the back of the figure.

Second weapon, the red bow.

Foldable piece.

It can also store on the backpack, but the peg is not that tight like the gun.

Rodimus is archery master? Can't recall he use bow in the comic...

Robot mode comparison to Henkei and Titanmaster version.

Height comparison with the crew members. (different series figures)

With his fellow MMC comrades. (I found out my previous MMC figures is all dull tones figures, lol)

I think it size is compatible to SND-01 Primo Vitalis.


"I told you, it is not wise to approving the quarter, Serve's or something..." Ultra Magnus is mumbling, "Chill out, Swerve's is the place when you need to chill out, those incident will not always happen, beside, it's not really Swerve's fault." Rodimus convincing Ultra Magnus to put down the shutdown Swerve's case .

"Hang tide!"
"Oh my Primus! Can you drive slower!?" Tailgate yells.

"Rodimus star for Chromedome!"
"What is that!? Gold shiny emblem??"
"Oh my, not again..." Ultra Magnus.

Rodimus VS Turmoil. I think Rodimus will win this match.

Tarn VS Rodimus. Absolutely the "Phase Sixer" will win this match!

Crews of Lost light.

Not saying the comic is bad though, I like the new comic and the artist, but Calidus is kind of hype out by Prominon, looking like crazy psychopath(especially first column, haha). And there is one thing in the comic, almost every single MMC Transformers character is involve to Seraph Prominon...

Thanks you for watching!

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