is a theoretician. This is appropriate, as some would say his existence is merely theoretical; everyone forgets who he is or that he was there. But if they got to know him, they'd learn that he likes to daydream, get built into furniture, and pick up cowboy chicks.
Skids is also a fast learner, voraciously absorbing and compartmentalizing new information he receives. This allows him to adapt to new environments and unexpected situations very quickly. His calm, observant nature and tendency to fade into the background sometimes causes some to question his ability to fight, but make no mistake; Skids can handle himself in battle.
He'd just rather...listen to some music, y'know?
Alt mode 360 GIF.
Weapons can mount on alt mode.
This small gun looks more suitable on alt mode, like sort of spy car now, haha.
The shoulder cannons can pop out from the windshield.
Full arm alt mode.
"Look mom, I just pimp my ride!" Lol!
Robot mode 360 GIF.

Head height around 5 inch.

Close up.

Head can turn 360, forward backward movement is good.

Shoulder can only lift up 45 degree angle.

Waist can turn 360.

Leg articulation is not bad, but the ankle ball joint articulation is not enough to tilt inward, making it less perfect to pose.

This show how well it can articulate.

I like how the bottom of the feet is design.

That two fin piece is sticking out weird.

The shoulder launcher can close up to hide it.

Another style.

The door wings can rotate invert to make another style, and the windshield can shove in between those doors too.

All hidden weapons open up.

The arm cannon is linked, it will open at the same time.

Not bad gimmick.

The shoulder cannons will flip up when open the back panel till the bottom.

The hidden shoulder cannons in the back, its a neat mechanism.

Weaponize Cybetronian.
There is a hole to plug weapon at the back.

The second weapon, a small machine gun, like UZI.

A nice little smg.

It combined, a long rifle.

High power sniping rifle perhaps.

Bad ass weapon.

The crews of 'Lost Light'.

Daily life on 'Lost Light'.

#17 Remain in Light: The Fecund Moon.
Skids sits alone in the oil reservoir beneath the 'Lost Light'. Suddenly he heard sounds come from the darkness depth...

Skids yell toward the darkness.

A group of giant robots emerge from the oil pool saying "nineteen eighty four"...

Skids realize they was the enemies from before he got on 'Lost Light', he starts to attack them.

Finally, after a long fight, he defeated all the giant robot that emerge from the pool.

#18 Remain in Light: House of Ambus.
Skids was stab by Star Saber. But he survive the attack afterward.

#54 The Dying of the Light : Rage Rage.
Unfortunately Skids sacrifice himself to save his fellow Autobots on 'Lost Light'...

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