Sunday, January 1, 2017

Takara Transformers Legends, LG-32 Chromedome.


Glad I could make it to post on January 1st 2017, it meant something to me, a great start for 1st day of 2017! Again...
🎊🎆HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017---!!🎆🎊
(And so, my Legends Ginrai is coming... Excited!)

Four million years ago, Chromedome and his friends Jack and Abel were among a group of diminutive Cybertronians who departed Cybertron under the leadership of Fortress, seeking to escape the eternal war that had consumed the planet. Alas, engine trouble caused their craft to crash-land on the planet Master, an inhospitable world whose murderous environments and wildly changeable atmospheric conditions threatened the lives of the Cybertronians almost as soon as they stepped off their ship and were caught in a desert of sinking sands. The need for survival fostered several technological advances, and the Cybertronians fought against the odds to make a life for themselves on the planet.

This relative peace was eventually disrupted, however, when a shadowy ninja able to transform into six different modes attacked an energon mining facility on the planet. Abel tried to drive him off, only for the ninja to brutally murder Abel and his militia group in front of Chromedome's eyes. As he cradled his friend's dead body, Chromedome felt hatred towards evil-doers for the first time in his life and vowed vengeance against the Decepticon.

When the scientists of Master made their next quantum leap of technology with the creation of larger, lifeless Transformer bodies called Transtectors, Chromedome and many of his comrades underwent rigorous physical and mental training to master the art of transformation, learning to transform into heads that connected to the Transtectors, placing them under their control. While Jack unfortunately washed out of the program, Chromedome was one of ten warriors who became one of these elite "Headmasters" (even if he did have a little trouble getting his Transtector to transform the first time out). Unfortunately, half their number soon rebelled against Fortress's leadership, siding against him with a traitor named Scorponok, who soon forged an alliance with the Decepticon leader, Galvatron.

Alt mode 360 GIF.

Top view.

Only one seat on this vehicle.

Details of the cockpit.

Not really like the design of the roof opening style, much prefer flip open, not fold to the back. But if it could detached, the vehicle mode look way cool, convertible! 😍

Two peg holes on each side.

There are two pegs on the roof for attaching the second weapon.

Full weapon attached.

Four Autobot Headmasters line up.

Robot mode 360 GIF.

Different head sculpt compares to Hasbro version, Hasbro version looks more to IDW comic Chromedome. 

Arms articulation is that much, no more, a bit of disappointment.

Waist swivel joint can go 360.

Leg articulations is good for this huge lower leg.

Primary weapon, same like Brainstorm, but different color.

Second gun for Chromedome, larger, is also a seat for Headmasters.

No identical gun like old G1 toys, but it is still good for Chromedome.

Headmasters Chrome.



The larger gun can also be turret for vehicle mode.

This large gun can attach multiple weapons to enhance its fire power, lol.

Headmaster's vehicle, Moguru.

Moguru in jet mode.

Can turn into a drill for Chromedome, for renovation works... 😂

Full armament.

Legends series line up. (except Brainstorm)

Head on! Head On!

Head exchange time!

"We still look cool..."

With their commander.

Chromedome is a crew member of the Lost Light too.

Headomashuda, GO!

Weirdwolf VS Chromedome!

Let's go, Head Formation! (It's payback time, Sixshots!)

Die, Sixshots!

Binary bonded partners, Chrome and Chromedome.

The Conjunx Endura pair.

When Ultra Magnus first met Headmasters... (and they are playing ball with their heads too~~~!!)

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Thanks for watching!

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