Monday, October 31, 2016

Hasbro Transformers Titans Return, Brainstorm.



Underneath this braggado, Brainstorm is... still boastful and a truly dodgy geezer, and a bit of a coward. His weapons have indeed killed an untold humber in horrifying ways and he used to work at Zeta Prime's brainwashing Institute with few qualms. Despite that, he does hold his (very few) friends dear to him and tries his hardest to hold onto them, and despite his job, somehow he's gone four million years without ever actually taking a life himself. And deep down, he really just wishes someone who barely knew him had loved him...

Alt mode 360 GIF.


Weird cockpit, I think if Titan Master is not robotic being, it will killed him in space.

Titan Master Teslor in the cockpit.

A rather tight spaces for Titan Master.

Both side with peg holes for weapons.

Also a weapons peg hole underneath the nosecone.

Compare previous Legends Brainstorm alt mode.

Size is a lots different, and transformation process is different too.

As the design, I really prefer the old one.

Titan Master Teslor.

Suppose to be Arcana in Japan version?

Back pack of Teslor, huge Brainstorm face.

Compares to Arcana.

Color scheme is a bit different.

Head mode compares.

Titan Masters line up.

Back comparisons.

Robot mode 360 GIF.

Close up on chest details, the Autobot logo is appeal beneath the cockpit door. Neat design, but I prefer the parts is more clear to see the logo.

G1 stickers-like print on the figure, really like this retro feels on figs.

Back, without the nosecone. A lots details on the back.

Wings can fold, make it look more like G1 style.

Neck can turn 360 with Titan Master ball joint neck.

Arms articulations, not perfect, but acceptable.

360 waist swivel joint.

Legs articulations not bad, Brainstorm can stand well without tilt ankle joint.

Blaster gun. Brainstorm suppose to be dual gun gunman, but this only got one gun, bad...

Small, but suitable.

This nosecone shield looks really like Wing Gundam's shield.

Mobiru Suitchu Wingu Gundamu...! Oops! Heado Mastaru, Brainstorm!

The shield can turn into sled for Teslor. (Cybertronians use sled? Where?)

The Tamashii stage is suitable for Brainstorm, just plug it to the as.... Eh... Hip hole...

Compares to LG Hardhead. A little bit shorter to Hardhead.

Size comparison to LG Brainstorm. The old one is huge!


My Titans Return/Headmaster series line up.

Another new crew member for Lost Light! My crews is growing bigger and bigger!

"Take this." "Wait... Who are you!?" "I am you, from another parallel universe." "What!? Why you came here??" "Just take it, you might need it in future. This is the last one, you could save them by it." "Wh..? I am so confusing..." Brainstorm.

And so, the briefcase is hidden in somewhere that only Brainstorm knows... (a new tragedy begin?)

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