Monday, December 3, 2018

Hasbro Transformers War For Cybertron : SIEGE, Autobot Hound.


Alt mode to robot mode video of WFCS Hound

Hound's alt mode in 360 GIF.

Dorsal view of the Jeep/Humvee like vehicle.

One of the parts I don't like about this figure is over here, because if the head turn around before flip up the front of the vehicle, the hood will get stuck from the head, the slanded forehead is the way the hood can pass through. Hasbro could just adjust a bit the position of the head, and this will solve the problem. (or maybe you could turn around the head after flip up the front end)

Without all the weapons. This off-road vehicle looks very nice, kind of mixture of Jeep and Humvee, and it also remind me of Bulkhead from Prime series.

All of the molded details on the jeep looks a lot like military style mechas, very rich and full of information in details. But the back of the vehicle is hollow though.

Full armament jeep ready to battle!

This look so cool with all the attachments on, it is a bit excessive, but it is cool.

Hound robot mode in 360 GIF.

This figure is 5 inch tall, the right size compares to SWFC Optimus Prime. The latest Hound looks like some special force soldier now, kind of cool, he became more and more like that after years of evolve.

Close up on the head. The face is a little thin I think, but the sculpting is very good.

The back of the head. (the panel can only push to this angle)

The whole off-road equipment on the front end of the vehicle makes Hound looks more hardcore.

The windshield and the back panel of the alt mode become the backpack of the robot mode, with some details and peg hole on the back of the back panel, it look good and functional.

Two peg holes on the arm for attaching weapons or Cog's parts, there are some hollowed holes on the forearm.

Legs looks fine with those details, but those paint effect kind of ruin it, it looks like someone simply just smudging paint on the figure, this look less like legit dry brush technique, they selling it, but simply disappointed.

Two big wheels on each of the legs, it looks okay, but the middle of the leg is hollow, and the wheels is a little bit in the way too.

Head can turn 360, but the back panel behind the head is in the way, have to push it far back close to the windshield. Shoulder joint can swing outward 90 degree, elbow joint fold 90 degree, wrist can rotate 360. (shoulder and elbow joint is the most important area on the arm, it decided how good the figure can make poses)

Waist swivel joint can rotate 360.

Hips joint works really well, knee joint can fold more than 160 degree angle, toe can fold a little bit upward because of the transformation steps.

The basic gun Hound carry.

This magazine drum can attach on the back of the alt mode, as a fuel tank maybe, it is also the magazine of the gun.

The gun with the drum attached. This looks very cool, I remember some TF action figure from older series also do this kind of design, but I forgot which one.

The drum can also peg on the back of the gun like this.

The other gun that put on Hound shoulder, it look like a hand held mortar cannon, it look not bad.

The peg on the back is for the magazine drum, this looks rather cute, haha.

And this is the combining form of the weapons, the gun have to rotate 90 degree to fully pegged into the mortar cannon, it makes an extra handle on the side of the combined rifle.

This combined weapon makes Hound became special force marksman.

Compare with Combiners War Hound. The CW Hound is a lot taller than SWFC Hound, because the CW one is remold from CW Combaticons Swindle.

Back. The new Hound's colors is darker than the CW one.

The alt mode of the CW version look like a heavy armored buggy, but the new one is absolute a military jeep.

I would surely choose the newer version of Hound.

Compare to WFCS Optimus Prime. I think Hound is the right size standing beside Prime, or Prime is the right size... Because I check back G1 cartoon, Hound is about that height, his head height is at the white line on Prime ribs part.

Compare with different figures from multiple series.

Hound looks really cool with all the attachments, I just can't find any armor attachments for the front pegs on lower legs.

With full armament Optimus Prime. Back from war zone?

An Autobots scouts, but with this look, he is more like war specialist, like John Rambo...

He fight alongside with his fellow Autobots in the war, and fought through many battles too.

Hound and Ravage.

Oh, sigh--! He is done!

Umm... Apparently they are good friend now, haha.

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