Optimus Primal/Optimal Optimus
Young and untested, Optimus Primal was a mere captain of an exploration ship when he and his crew were diverted off-course to pursue a stolen Predacon ship under the leadership of some crook named Megatron. The rest, they say, is (literally) history.
Though he does have a penchant for stuffy speeches, Optimus Primal is much more down-to-Cybertron than his legendary namesake. He is committed to the Maximal codes of honor and moral judgment, but he does view them with some irreverence, and is not above finding loopholes or administering unorthodox solutions if necessary. ("Sometimes, crazy works", he says.) He is eternally loyal to his friends and respectful to his enemies. He is brave and selfless in battle. However, he is so committed to helping others that he can withdraw into a deep depression when he feels he has let them down. This is the only time he is self-absorbed.
Optimal Optimus alt mode in 360 GIF.
The top of the alt mode, the so call Superman spaceship mode, haha.
The bottom of the alt mode. The gorilla chest is obviously visible under this mode.
Primemaster figure standing point on each of the forearm armor.
The Optimus Primal ship is a little hard to attach on to the main body, because the peg on the main body doesn't really clip under Primal's ship, hence, Optimus Primal is really easy to pop off from this mode, I think this case is worst on my Optimal Optimus figure.
The back pegs on the ship can't even peg into the heel on the main body, I'm using so much force, still can't get the pegs into the peg holes.
Optimus Primal separate from the main body.
Compare to other TF series action figures in alt mode.
Optimal Optimus beast mode, a colorful Gorilla.
Close up on the gorilla head, I like the gorilla head sculpt, look very nice.
The gorilla chest plate look very nice, details design is same like the old one but more updated.
The whole back part is hollow, they should at least made a panel piece to cover up the back, this is simply lazy and ugly! (we need 3rd party company to save us on this!)
The gorilla legs is a fold down robot legs, it is in metallic blue color plastic.
The rear wings cannot fold down because the knee joint is in the way.
I personally prefer the gorilla standing like this.
The arms is flexible enough to the pounding gesture, cool.
After folded the legs, it can only move up like this, articulation is limited.
Optimus Primal alt mode can use as hover board for the gorilla mode, but the Primal space ship bottom is not flat.
I am putting the guns underneath the Primal ship to lay flat on the floor.
Or using the display stand to hold the ship like that, have to use three stands to hold the heavy figure.
The pegs on the Primal ship goes into the peg holes under the feet.
Put on the Primal ship to complete the gorilla mode.
This kind of like a battle mecha gorilla.
The side of the battle gorilla mode.
Optimus Primal alt mode in 360 GIF.
Weapons can attach on the ship like so.
The top of the alt mode. What kind of transport is this? A space ship? Space bus? Space surf board? A lots of unknown on this mode...
The bottom of the ship, there is a lots details under there.
The cockpit of the ship is a matrix chamber.
The cockpit does not sit Primemasters/Titanmasters figures, it is too low.
One standing point on the back of the alt mode. The Optimal Optimus head is visible on this mode.
The ship is unable to sit flat on the floor, I found out if plug the guns under the ship, it will stay flat on the floor. Simply plug the peg on the figure's hips in v shape, the guns will stay on the figure, and it will lay flat on floor.
This alt mode compares to other figures.
Optimus Primal robot mode in 360 GIF.
The head sculpting look very nice, but no light piping system.
My most prefer chest design of Optimus Primal, not even the Masterpiece version.
The whole backpack is super huge, makes Primal look like backpacker more than a Maximal leader, I have saw people remove the backpack by removing the pin at the top of the backpack, but I think after removing the pin, the backpack is hard to put back on the figure again (not alt mode, the peg on the alt mode is quite secure), but another good thing is, Optimal Optimus can be a separated figure. (once again, we need 3rd party company to save us!)
The thigh look organic, look like the old Optimus Primal thigh, the rest is just look like robot.
The back of the legs is hollow, and the thigh is painted, weird, it's better leave it unpainted, the hollowness is so obvious when it is painted white.
Without modifying the backpack, I will fold up the cockpit to make the front of the figure look better.
Head can turn 360, shoulder hinge can swing out 90 degree, elbow ball joint can fold 90 degree, no wrist joint.
Hips is on ball joint, it work well, the knee joint can fold all way to the end, and the feet is tilted but no ankle joint.
This is gun, man, use it as a gun should be!
Guns can store on the back of the backpack.
Stand beside the gorilla.
I saw on internet Primal can stand on the back of the gorilla, but I not really sure how they do it.
Primal compares to different series TF figures.
With his fellow Maximals. (I don't have the BW Cheetoh, hope someday Hasbro will release new version, or maybe I will get Rattrap later)
He is a little short compares to POTP Orion Pax and Henkei Convoy, but still look cool.
A to R video of Optimal Optimus, click the video below to see how it transform!
Optimal Optimus robot mode 360 GIF.
Not like I don't like Optimal's head, it look very nice, sculpting is good, but as long as I realize he look like a beard man, I can't unseen the truth now, he look like bearded boat captain...
The head is really hard to flip out, have to use something thin and hard to poke the bottom of the ship to bring out the head, simply poke the hole here 45 degree angle up, it should be done.
The chest details look really nice, visible matrix chamber, I like it.
The whole Optimus Primal backpack is on the back, Hasbro should release a backpack look like this for parody, hehehe. (I will consider buy one for myself, lol!)
Although it got some bee hive hollowness, it still look great.
The fins kind of cover up the hollow space on the lower legs.
The whole arms look nice, but the back of the forearm is actually empty.
Shoulder joint can actually extend out like the old toys, but I prefer not to do so, look weird.
Look a lot better without extend the shoulder joint.
Without the armor piece on the shoulders.
The armor piece is just pegged on the forearm like this, not like the older version that have the exploding armor gimmick, I don't have the older toys, but I know that gimmick is a troublesome things to include in the toys.
This looks cool with the wings position like this, I call it Wing Commando Optimal Optimus.
Optimus Primal can actually transform into robot mode on Optimal Optimus back, really weird, right? And it look really funny too, lol!
Head can turn 360, shoulder can lift up to 80 degree, very good because it is so bulky and it got double joints to lift up that much, elbow joint fold up more than 90 degree, fingers is articulated but it is in one piece except the thumb.
This is how much the fingers can fold out, it look like some mechanic arm now, erm...
Legs is well articulated, hips joints works really well, knee joint can fold more than 100 degree, feet is articulated with ankle tilt and forward/backward movements.
This is how much the figure can pose, unfortunately the head doesn't have ball joint to do forward backward movement.
The laziness of the designer makes this look super awkward, they should put the peg hole on the hand, not the thumb, that look a lot less awkward.
Tilted a bit the gun doesn't make holding the gun look more better.
Well, from now on I will the gun as bashing stick on this robot mode.
I found out the guns itself can combine into a piece of block, still don't know what the purpose on this?
Lower down the chest cockpit piece and plug the guns on the chest to do the chest cannon mode.
The gun can also plug into the hole in the middle of the chest. (Lockdown mode?)
Guns can still plug back to the shoulder peg holes.
God Ginrai shoulder cannon mode.
Matrix Of The Leadership side to side comparisons.
The new one sure look a lot better than the previous one, more details sculpted.
Optimal Optimus compares to different series and classes TF figures
Compares to Combiners.
Compares to Primes, Convoy and Super Ginrai.
I always remember this scene. (although Primal is in later form) (don't judge me, I don't have the right Primal figure)
Power Of The Primes : Episode 9 Megatronus Unleashed.
"Are we there yet?" Grimlock is boring for the trip. "No, for the four hundred and eighteen times, Grimlock, stop asking!" Windblade is really annoyed by Grimlock.
Optimus Primal is among the group searching Megatronus.
Finally they prevent the resurrection of Solus Prime by pulling off the Matrix from the resurrection machine, Primal obtain the Matrix Of Leadership.
Apparently the Matrix of Leadership have chosen Optimus Primal as the new Prime, it release the power to Primal.
Thus, Optimus Primal become the new Leader, the Optimal Optimus!
"I starting to like Primal!" Grimlock.
I wonder what will happen when Optimal meet Overlord...
"New Prime?" Overlord, "It doesn't matter, I will finish you myself!".
"Urgh-- You dare hit me!? You know who I am!? I am one of the Phase Sixer--!!" Overlord in rage and yell at Optimal.
BOOM---!! Another heavy punch from Optimal Optimus.
"Hmm... Who is this guy anyway?" seems like Optimal Optimus don't know who is Overlord...
In the time when the crisis of the Beast Wars...
Optimus Primal/Optimal Optimus
Young and untested, Optimus Primal was a mere captain of an exploration ship when he and his crew were diverted off-course to pursue a stolen Predacon ship under the leadership of some crook named Megatron. The rest, they say, is (literally) history.
Though he does have a penchant for stuffy speeches, Optimus Primal is much more down-to-Cybertron than his legendary namesake. He is committed to the Maximal codes of honor and moral judgment, but he does view them with some irreverence, and is not above finding loopholes or administering unorthodox solutions if necessary. ("Sometimes, crazy works", he says.) He is eternally loyal to his friends and respectful to his enemies. He is brave and selfless in battle. However, he is so committed to helping others that he can withdraw into a deep depression when he feels he has let them down. This is the only time he is self-absorbed.
Optimal Optimus alt mode in 360 GIF.
The top of the alt mode, the so call Superman spaceship mode, haha.
The bottom of the alt mode. The gorilla chest is obviously visible under this mode.
Primemaster figure standing point on each of the forearm armor.
The Optimus Primal ship is a little hard to attach on to the main body, because the peg on the main body doesn't really clip under Primal's ship, hence, Optimus Primal is really easy to pop off from this mode, I think this case is worst on my Optimal Optimus figure.
The back pegs on the ship can't even peg into the heel on the main body, I'm using so much force, still can't get the pegs into the peg holes.
Optimus Primal separate from the main body.
Compare to other TF series action figures in alt mode.
Optimal Optimus beast mode, a colorful Gorilla.
Close up on the gorilla head, I like the gorilla head sculpt, look very nice.
The gorilla chest plate look very nice, details design is same like the old one but more updated.
The whole back part is hollow, they should at least made a panel piece to cover up the back, this is simply lazy and ugly! (we need 3rd party company to save us on this!)
The gorilla legs is a fold down robot legs, it is in metallic blue color plastic.
The rear wings cannot fold down because the knee joint is in the way.
I personally prefer the gorilla standing like this.
The arms is flexible enough to the pounding gesture, cool.
After folded the legs, it can only move up like this, articulation is limited.
Optimus Primal alt mode can use as hover board for the gorilla mode, but the Primal space ship bottom is not flat.
I am putting the guns underneath the Primal ship to lay flat on the floor.
Or using the display stand to hold the ship like that, have to use three stands to hold the heavy figure.
The pegs on the Primal ship goes into the peg holes under the feet.
Put on the Primal ship to complete the gorilla mode.
This kind of like a battle mecha gorilla.
The side of the battle gorilla mode.
Optimus Primal alt mode in 360 GIF.
Weapons can attach on the ship like so.
The top of the alt mode. What kind of transport is this? A space ship? Space bus? Space surf board? A lots of unknown on this mode...
The bottom of the ship, there is a lots details under there.
The cockpit of the ship is a matrix chamber.
The cockpit does not sit Primemasters/Titanmasters figures, it is too low.
One standing point on the back of the alt mode. The Optimal Optimus head is visible on this mode.
The ship is unable to sit flat on the floor, I found out if plug the guns under the ship, it will stay flat on the floor. Simply plug the peg on the figure's hips in v shape, the guns will stay on the figure, and it will lay flat on floor.
This alt mode compares to other figures.
Optimus Primal robot mode in 360 GIF.
The head sculpting look very nice, but no light piping system.
My most prefer chest design of Optimus Primal, not even the Masterpiece version.
The whole backpack is super huge, makes Primal look like backpacker more than a Maximal leader, I have saw people remove the backpack by removing the pin at the top of the backpack, but I think after removing the pin, the backpack is hard to put back on the figure again (not alt mode, the peg on the alt mode is quite secure), but another good thing is, Optimal Optimus can be a separated figure. (once again, we need 3rd party company to save us!)
The thigh look organic, look like the old Optimus Primal thigh, the rest is just look like robot.
The back of the legs is hollow, and the thigh is painted, weird, it's better leave it unpainted, the hollowness is so obvious when it is painted white.
Without modifying the backpack, I will fold up the cockpit to make the front of the figure look better.
Head can turn 360, shoulder hinge can swing out 90 degree, elbow ball joint can fold 90 degree, no wrist joint.
Hips is on ball joint, it work well, the knee joint can fold all way to the end, and the feet is tilted but no ankle joint.
Instruction menu saids to hold the guns like stick in this mode.
This is gun, man, use it as a gun should be!
Guns can store on the back of the backpack.

Stand beside the gorilla.
I saw on internet Primal can stand on the back of the gorilla, but I not really sure how they do it.
Primal compares to different series TF figures.
With his fellow Maximals. (I don't have the BW Cheetoh, hope someday Hasbro will release new version, or maybe I will get Rattrap later)
He is a little short compares to POTP Orion Pax and Henkei Convoy, but still look cool.
A to R video of Optimal Optimus, click the video below to see how it transform!
Optimal Optimus robot mode 360 GIF.
Not like I don't like Optimal's head, it look very nice, sculpting is good, but as long as I realize he look like a beard man, I can't unseen the truth now, he look like bearded boat captain...
The head is really hard to flip out, have to use something thin and hard to poke the bottom of the ship to bring out the head, simply poke the hole here 45 degree angle up, it should be done.
The chest details look really nice, visible matrix chamber, I like it.
The whole Optimus Primal backpack is on the back, Hasbro should release a backpack look like this for parody, hehehe. (I will consider buy one for myself, lol!)
Although it got some bee hive hollowness, it still look great.
The fins kind of cover up the hollow space on the lower legs.
The whole arms look nice, but the back of the forearm is actually empty.
Shoulder joint can actually extend out like the old toys, but I prefer not to do so, look weird.
Look a lot better without extend the shoulder joint.
Without the armor piece on the shoulders.
The armor piece is just pegged on the forearm like this, not like the older version that have the exploding armor gimmick, I don't have the older toys, but I know that gimmick is a troublesome things to include in the toys.
This looks cool with the wings position like this, I call it Wing Commando Optimal Optimus.
Optimus Primal can actually transform into robot mode on Optimal Optimus back, really weird, right? And it look really funny too, lol!
Head can turn 360, shoulder can lift up to 80 degree, very good because it is so bulky and it got double joints to lift up that much, elbow joint fold up more than 90 degree, fingers is articulated but it is in one piece except the thumb.
This is how much the fingers can fold out, it look like some mechanic arm now, erm...
Legs is well articulated, hips joints works really well, knee joint can fold more than 100 degree, feet is articulated with ankle tilt and forward/backward movements.
This is how much the figure can pose, unfortunately the head doesn't have ball joint to do forward backward movement.
The laziness of the designer makes this look super awkward, they should put the peg hole on the hand, not the thumb, that look a lot less awkward.
Tilted a bit the gun doesn't make holding the gun look more better.
Well, from now on I will the gun as bashing stick on this robot mode.
I found out the guns itself can combine into a piece of block, still don't know what the purpose on this?
Lower down the chest cockpit piece and plug the guns on the chest to do the chest cannon mode.
The gun can also plug into the hole in the middle of the chest. (Lockdown mode?)
Guns can still plug back to the shoulder peg holes.
God Ginrai shoulder cannon mode.
Matrix Of The Leadership side to side comparisons.
The new one sure look a lot better than the previous one, more details sculpted.
Optimal Optimus compares to different series and classes TF figures
Compares to Combiners.
Compares to Primes, Convoy and Super Ginrai.
I always remember this scene. (although Primal is in later form) (don't judge me, I don't have the right Primal figure)
Power Of The Primes : Episode 9 Megatronus Unleashed.
"Are we there yet?" Grimlock is boring for the trip. "No, for the four hundred and eighteen times, Grimlock, stop asking!" Windblade is really annoyed by Grimlock.
Optimus Primal is among the group searching Megatronus.
Finally they prevent the resurrection of Solus Prime by pulling off the Matrix from the resurrection machine, Primal obtain the Matrix Of Leadership.
Apparently the Matrix of Leadership have chosen Optimus Primal as the new Prime, it release the power to Primal.
Thus, Optimus Primal become the new Leader, the Optimal Optimus!
"I starting to like Primal!" Grimlock.
I wonder what will happen when Optimal meet Overlord...
"New Prime?" Overlord, "It doesn't matter, I will finish you myself!".
"Urgh-- You dare hit me!? You know who I am!? I am one of the Phase Sixer--!!" Overlord in rage and yell at Optimal.
BOOM---!! Another heavy punch from Optimal Optimus.
"Hmm... Who is this guy anyway?" seems like Optimal Optimus don't know who is Overlord...
In the time when the crisis of the Beast Wars...
(Follow my Google+ for more review updates!)
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