Monday, July 17, 2017

Hasbro Transformers Titans Return, Decepticon Blitzwing.


The other Decepticons don't care much for Blitzwing. Oh, they can respect that he's an absolute terror on the battlefield, using his triple-changing ability to maximum effect. Few things are more destructive and demoralizing to an enemy force than a tank landing on your front line at Mach 2. Blitzwing changes forms rapidly in battle to keep his opponents off-balance at all times.And through it all, he's laughing like a madman, because frag it, it's just funny to him.

What makes him such a pain to his teammates is that Blitzwing's sense of humor rivals even Skywarp's for brainless thuggery. He's an unlikable, blustering, loudmouthed jerk to everyone. The Decepticons as a group may be an unpleasant bunch, but Blitzwing takes the cake, platter, tablecloth, and has ground the table underfoot.

Recently, though, components of Blitzwing's abrasive personality seem to be splitting and amplifying; sometimes his cold-sparked strategic side is forefront, other times he remains consumed with raging bloodlust, and others, he's just plain I-think-I'm-hilarious bat-scrap loco. You never know which of the three you're going to have to deal with at any given moment, as he will even change in mid-sentence... but all three outcomes are going to be unpleasant in some way. Thankfully for Megatron, the Decepticon berserker is easy to manipulate, given Blitzwing's unstable mind.

Tank mode 360 GIF.

Top of the tank. Turret turn really well, can go full 360.

Bottom of the tank, this tank run with four wheels, but mine doesn't roll well.

Titanmaster doesn't sit in the tank, just on top of the turret.

A lots of very nice sculpted details in the cockpit.

The weapon can attach on the gun on the tank.

I don't like how the instruction show how to store weapons on tank mode, much prefer doing like this.

Or maybe like this? Kind of hilarious, haha, won't do it like this when display.

Flying tanks!? They finally make a tank that really fly!! A lots of people dislike the jet mode wings just put on that position in tank mode, but there is almost no other place to put the wings, this is not some luxury toys they are making.

Compares to Generation and G1 version Blitzwing, the new one is almost a super enhanced version old G1 version.

Back. The new one looks a lots different from the Generation version, but it got some base and silhouette from the G1.

Jet mode 360 GIF.

Top of the jet mode. Those decals on the wings are curl up so bad, maybe is the weather so bad here and I playing it so much, it's getting worst and worst at the time goes by.

I like how the cockpit open up, not the real way the canopy open up, but still like it. The space is quite narrow, Titanmaster is squishing in tight fits.

There is also a lots of details in the cockpit, very nice.

The bottom of the jet is a bit weird(like old G1 version), but those sculpted details makes the jet looks nice.

This is how the jet mode store the gun, acceptable.

And the turret gun can plug at the front of the weapon.

But I really don't know how the sword should go in this mode, this looks really weird, because there is a 5mm peg hole underneath the jet nose.

Or the weapon plugged like this? But it doesn't fit, the air intake beneath the cockpit bend the sword, not a best weapon storing peg post.

There are two Titanmaster stand post just behind the canopy.

And somehow they didn't thought of hiding away the fist in this jet mode, good thing is, you can store another weapon at this area.

The display stand peg hole is just on the tank turret, it is a bit loose but it function well.

Jet mode comparison to Generation and G1 version.

Back. The Generation Blitzwing got its own weak points, but it is still a good design for a triple changer.

I most favorite things on this jet mode is the rotatable turret can actually do the scene like in the G1 cartoon.

My own Blitzwing base mode.

Side. I did my best to keep the Titanmaster turret and tank turret at the front part, to make this mode functional.

Back of the base mode. (damn't.. those decals)

With functional tank turret on this base mode, best ever!

Titanmaster Hazard. This figure is recognizable to part Megatron and Blitzwing.

Side. It share the main body to TR Megatron but not the backpack head part.


Robot mode 360 GIF.

Close up. It's feel like the face color is darker than the chest plate.

The torso front plate looks good, but just a bit flat.

The chest plate can open up for pressing the release button of the "earphones". I like this design of open his chest and show details in the plate.

Tank turret detailing.

The instructions show the wings should position like this, but originally  Blitzwing's wing should spread out.

A lots of details on this legs, it look really well.

Really good to cover up the lower legs with details parts.

The display stand can plug on peg post on the tank turret.

This wheels parts on the shoulder keep flipping out, it makes the elbow joint always folded upward, isn't they should make a clips to hold the shoulder.

A swordsman choice of sword.

Don't really like this gun, it look not that good, function not that good.

It can plug the tank turret at the front of the gun, but it crooked.

Weapons can also plug on the forearms for usage/storage.

The shoulder also canplug other weapons.

Titanmaster sit on the turret.

What happen if Blitzwing dual wield?

Robot mode comparison.

Back. They look a lot different by the back part.

Side. The Generation Blitzwing looks bad by the back cannon.

Compare to g1 version.

They are lookalike.

Three version line up.

Compares to the other series.

The Triple Changers.

Fully weaponize.

Triple Changer, GO---!!

Springer VS Blitzwing.

Blitzwing finish Springer by a hard punch!

Someday, in Decepticon secret base...

You think too much, Blitzwing.

Make a decission to cut all the curly up decals.

It look better for my opinion.

Thanks for watching!