A lots of peoples where thinking to get those third party version of Super Ginrai, but I still prefer to get this conversion/upgrade kits, seeing this LG Super Ginrai getting more perfect step by step is more satisfying then getting a totally new one, maybe it's a bit more expensive, but I thought worth to get it.
Contents in this box. One Jinrai Prime figure, one cannon, two extra wrists, and one new chest parts for Super Ginrai.
The Perfect Effect PC-15 is a necessity for upgrading the new kits.
Remove all the old parts from the Super Ginrai body.
With all the unwanted old parts remove and new parts on the table, it's ready to upgrade!
Remove the PC-15 Super Ginrai head from the old original truck head, and place it in Jinrai Prime. Push it in the slot until it clicks.
And push the head into Jinrai Prime body, because we need it in Ginrai form.
Last, plug the new chest part and we are ready to play!
Click link below to check LG Super Ginrai, LG Godbomber/God Ginrai and PE PC-15 upgrade kits:
PE PC15 Perfect Combiner
Jinrai Prime alt mode in 360 GIF.
The new truck is open up the upper part and grill of the front.
Flip over the grill to reveal the Masterforce connector port.
Need to position well all parts of small Ginrai and so it fits the connector port.
The weapon come with Jinrai Prime can store at the back of the truck, but it is very loose if legs is not close tight enough.
Top of the truck. Some of the robot mode part is visible on the truck, but I think is not much a problem, it look nice like the G1 version.
Bottom of the truck. The details on the silver paint part is very nice.
Attach with the trailer.
The trailer is simply just put on the back of the truck.
Truck can't turn much, because the feet of the Jinrai Prime caught in the way with Super Ginrai butt... (butt kicking? 😨)
Original Ginrai truck head compare to Jinrai Prime truck.
The small details and combining parts are quite similar on both of the trucks. Just the new one is a bit longer than the old one.
Compare of the old G1 Ginrai. (my old G1 Ginrai's smokestack is broken, sigh... 😖)
Back. The new one is just showing it robot mode chest part like that, so much for "Robot in Disguise", lol. 😁
Comparing with Henkei/Classic Convoy/Optimus Prime. (Henkei Prime is without the roof part in the picture)
Jinrai Prime truck size is nearly the size of Henkei Convoy.
And there is comparisons with several other vehicles from other Hasbro series.
Jinrai Prime robot mode 360 GIF.
Close up on Jinrai Prime. The face looks good as Ginrai, but I think the eyes is too close, you will know if looking from the front. The chest plate of Jinrai Prime is painted, at first, I thought it was diecast, but it is not. The grill mechanism design is not bad, but look not that good.
Small Ginrai is plugged on the top of the back of Jinrai Prime.
And it plugged up side down because of how the Jinrai Prime Transform.
Legs details is very nice, and I like the way it transform too, although it work like Combiners War figures.
All the hallow space is covered, thanks to this be a third party products. 👍
Come with two extra hand gesture parts.
Head is on ball joint, it is a little tight, it may pop off when turning.
The shoulder, elbow and wrist joint can go 90 degree folding, wrist can swivel too.
Waist swivel joint can do 360 turn.
And there is a forward ratchet joint on the waist too. (Mecha needed this kind of joint, haha)
Hip joint movements is not bad, but it is a little loose and easy to pop off, knee joint can go more than 90 degree fold, ankle tilt is available, but the feet design is making the figure a little unstable to stand straight, it doesn't really have a heel to support back heaviness.
The cannon come with this figure. It is almost same like Optimus Prime's signature weapon, reasonable, because this transtector body is meant to build for some Cybertron leader.
It is a little loose on Jinrai Prime hand.
Dwarven Ginrai, rotflol! 😂😂😂
Compare with G1 Ginrai. So many years of evolutions...
The most different is the small Ginrai is up side down, lol. (my G1 Ginrai is turning yellow... 😢)
Henkei Prime compare to Jinrai Prime. Another centimeter taller, he would be same height as Henkei Convoy.
Jinrai Prime compares to several Hasbro figures, and I think Jinrai height is correct as compare to deluxe class, maybe a little bit taller. Hasbro really need to make a legit Optimus Prime for their TR series...
Height comparison on different classes, Jinrai's height is between Voyager and Deluxe class figure.
Combine mode compare to original truck.
The back of Jinrai will be longer because of the feet, and the back is fully cover up, not like the old one.
The original Super Ginrai head can attach on Jinrai's body, but the hinge will stuck on Jinrai's neck piece hinges, the head stay forwards forever.
And the front panel can't shut in truck mode either... (sad... Those who got PC-16, have to get PC-15 also, grab it while it is still available)
Masterforce--- Transform! God on!
Double on!!
It works very well on Super Ginrai mode, I love this upgrade kits. 👍 Those who got LG Super Ginrai, must get this kits.
The back is very nice now. (forgot to flip up the backpack side panel)
This new chest piece is actually detailing than the old one, but it look very similar if you not look carefully. Small Ginrai is cover up nicely, well protected... (not if it get punched by the stomach, hehehe)
Full weapons, handsome.
I think the peg holes underneath the feet of Jinrai is for this purpose, storing weapon.
Chojin Gattai! God Ginrai!!
Jinrai Prime also works on God Ginrai mode, and it cover up all the hollow area too. 👍👍 (now, lets just wait for the next upgrade kits for God Ginrai)
Super/God Ginrai can hold this weapon, but it is loose.
And the cannon can attach other weapons on it.
Full weapon attachment. Sure die if hit by this seven holes maker...
"It's Optimus Prime! Kill him--!!" Decepticons Headmasters are surrounding Ginrai.
"Not today, Decepticon scums!" Ginrai shout.
"Suuriiiya---!!" Ginrai kicked away Swipes, and the others is coming.
"By the way, I am Ginrai, not Optimus Prime!!" Ginrai blocked the attack from Skull cruncher.
"Urrgh!!" Skullcruncher get punch by Ginrai, but Weirdwolf is coming!
But Ginrai knows, he kick away the blade on Weirdwolf hand, "Oh no you don't!".
And he come back to strike Skullcruncher.
"Now, only left you. So, you gonna run? Or eat the dirt on the ground?"
"Th.. I.. Arg..." Weirdwolf can't speak a word.
"Too late!" Ginrai flying-kick Weirdwolf!
A lots of peoples where thinking to get those third party version of Super Ginrai, but I still prefer to get this conversion/upgrade kits, seeing this LG Super Ginrai getting more perfect step by step is more satisfying then getting a totally new one, maybe it's a bit more expensive, but I thought worth to get it.
Contents in this box. One Jinrai Prime figure, one cannon, two extra wrists, and one new chest parts for Super Ginrai.
The Perfect Effect PC-15 is a necessity for upgrading the new kits.
Remove all the old parts from the Super Ginrai body.
With all the unwanted old parts remove and new parts on the table, it's ready to upgrade!
Remove the PC-15 Super Ginrai head from the old original truck head, and place it in Jinrai Prime. Push it in the slot until it clicks.
And push the head into Jinrai Prime body, because we need it in Ginrai form.
Last, plug the new chest part and we are ready to play!
Click link below to check LG Super Ginrai, LG Godbomber/God Ginrai and PE PC-15 upgrade kits:
PE PC15 Perfect Combiner
Jinrai Prime alt mode in 360 GIF.
The new truck is open up the upper part and grill of the front.
Flip over the grill to reveal the Masterforce connector port.

Need to position well all parts of small Ginrai and so it fits the connector port.
The weapon come with Jinrai Prime can store at the back of the truck, but it is very loose if legs is not close tight enough.
Top of the truck. Some of the robot mode part is visible on the truck, but I think is not much a problem, it look nice like the G1 version.
Bottom of the truck. The details on the silver paint part is very nice.
Attach with the trailer.
The trailer is simply just put on the back of the truck.
Truck can't turn much, because the feet of the Jinrai Prime caught in the way with Super Ginrai butt... (butt kicking? 😨)
Original Ginrai truck head compare to Jinrai Prime truck.
The small details and combining parts are quite similar on both of the trucks. Just the new one is a bit longer than the old one.
Compare of the old G1 Ginrai. (my old G1 Ginrai's smokestack is broken, sigh... 😖)
Back. The new one is just showing it robot mode chest part like that, so much for "Robot in Disguise", lol. 😁
Comparing with Henkei/Classic Convoy/Optimus Prime. (Henkei Prime is without the roof part in the picture)
Jinrai Prime truck size is nearly the size of Henkei Convoy.
And there is comparisons with several other vehicles from other Hasbro series.
Jinrai Prime robot mode 360 GIF.
Close up on Jinrai Prime. The face looks good as Ginrai, but I think the eyes is too close, you will know if looking from the front. The chest plate of Jinrai Prime is painted, at first, I thought it was diecast, but it is not. The grill mechanism design is not bad, but look not that good.
Small Ginrai is plugged on the top of the back of Jinrai Prime.
And it plugged up side down because of how the Jinrai Prime Transform.
Legs details is very nice, and I like the way it transform too, although it work like Combiners War figures.
All the hallow space is covered, thanks to this be a third party products. 👍
Come with two extra hand gesture parts.
Head is on ball joint, it is a little tight, it may pop off when turning.
The shoulder, elbow and wrist joint can go 90 degree folding, wrist can swivel too.
Waist swivel joint can do 360 turn.
And there is a forward ratchet joint on the waist too. (Mecha needed this kind of joint, haha)
Hip joint movements is not bad, but it is a little loose and easy to pop off, knee joint can go more than 90 degree fold, ankle tilt is available, but the feet design is making the figure a little unstable to stand straight, it doesn't really have a heel to support back heaviness.
The cannon come with this figure. It is almost same like Optimus Prime's signature weapon, reasonable, because this transtector body is meant to build for some Cybertron leader.
It is a little loose on Jinrai Prime hand.
Dwarven Ginrai, rotflol! 😂😂😂
Compare with G1 Ginrai. So many years of evolutions...
The most different is the small Ginrai is up side down, lol. (my G1 Ginrai is turning yellow... 😢)
Henkei Prime compare to Jinrai Prime. Another centimeter taller, he would be same height as Henkei Convoy.
Jinrai Prime compares to several Hasbro figures, and I think Jinrai height is correct as compare to deluxe class, maybe a little bit taller. Hasbro really need to make a legit Optimus Prime for their TR series...
Height comparison on different classes, Jinrai's height is between Voyager and Deluxe class figure.
Combine mode compare to original truck.
The back of Jinrai will be longer because of the feet, and the back is fully cover up, not like the old one.
The original Super Ginrai head can attach on Jinrai's body, but the hinge will stuck on Jinrai's neck piece hinges, the head stay forwards forever.
And the front panel can't shut in truck mode either... (sad... Those who got PC-16, have to get PC-15 also, grab it while it is still available)
Masterforce--- Transform! God on!
Double on!!
It works very well on Super Ginrai mode, I love this upgrade kits. 👍 Those who got LG Super Ginrai, must get this kits.
The back is very nice now. (forgot to flip up the backpack side panel)
This new chest piece is actually detailing than the old one, but it look very similar if you not look carefully. Small Ginrai is cover up nicely, well protected... (not if it get punched by the stomach, hehehe)
Full weapons, handsome.
I think the peg holes underneath the feet of Jinrai is for this purpose, storing weapon.
Chojin Gattai! God Ginrai!!
Jinrai Prime also works on God Ginrai mode, and it cover up all the hollow area too. 👍👍 (now, lets just wait for the next upgrade kits for God Ginrai)
Super/God Ginrai can hold this weapon, but it is loose.
And the cannon can attach other weapons on it.
Full weapon attachment. Sure die if hit by this seven holes maker...
"It's Optimus Prime! Kill him--!!" Decepticons Headmasters are surrounding Ginrai.
"Not today, Decepticon scums!" Ginrai shout.
"Suuriiiya---!!" Ginrai kicked away Swipes, and the others is coming.
"By the way, I am Ginrai, not Optimus Prime!!" Ginrai blocked the attack from Skull cruncher.
"Urrgh!!" Skullcruncher get punch by Ginrai, but Weirdwolf is coming!
But Ginrai knows, he kick away the blade on Weirdwolf hand, "Oh no you don't!".
And he come back to strike Skullcruncher.
"Now, only left you. So, you gonna run? Or eat the dirt on the ground?"
"Th.. I.. Arg..." Weirdwolf can't speak a word.
"Too late!" Ginrai flying-kick Weirdwolf!
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Thanks you for watching!