Monday, November 20, 2017

Hasbro Transformers Titans Return, Broadside.


Really not know much about back stories of Broadside(never watch much G1 series that talk about him), he seems like a huge, strong character, kind of those that you will feel save around him, but what I saw those lore about him is negative, he is loser, it's being forgotten, ridiculous transformation mode (jet mode to super huge carrier mode), he got acrophobia, and also get seasick on water. Jeez, what a 'big' wimp...

But he is a Wreckers, he fought ferociously against Decepticons, he is a warrior.

Broadside aircraft carrier alt mode 360 GIF.

Top of the carrier.

I peek at instruction menu, it show the Titanmaster should be sitting like this in the carrier mode. What a wild idea... Like a giant sitting on a toilet bowl.

I would prefer they do it like the Energon Omega Supreme, the head transform to (or play as) a super command tower and plug on the control tower.

The transparent blue weapon can plug on the carrier like super weapon.

With several landing gears to land evenly on the ground.

Come with a set of Aerialbots plastic sprue kits, quite a detail kits. (I think the sprue is in black color plastic, it show black color spot on the side of wings after I cut them out)

All micro Aerialbots got Titanmaster peg hole under it for plug on the carrier.

Jet fighter will caught on the stickers to crash or having difficulty to launch on this carrier... 😢 Uneven surface on the carrier platform. (I much prefer Hasbro didn't apply those stickers)

In actual reality, it can't even land more than two fighters on this carrier. (wahahahaha)

Real Aerialbots VS micro Aerialbots. (they are all look as same except Alpha Bravo😑)

Air Raid: "Do I look that fat in jet mode?", "Ppssuuuu----! Altitude 45,000 feets, gaining..." Silverbolt.

Jet mode 360 GIF.

Top of the jet. It look ridiculous because of the back of the jet plane. Two huge jet engines that look like Mospeada jet fighter, this is... what the...? (Hasbro, can you do it properly...?)

Cockpit of the jet mode.

The jet fighter's head is short, so the cockpit will look a little big compare to other plane.

Details of the cockpit.

The blue weapon can store on the jet mode like a turret, but who will sit there if in battle?

With full weapons on.

A few Titanmaster standing peg point on the jet, not bad.

The radar tower can flip up in jet mode, tv program on fighter?.

I found another(or look better) method transform to the jet mode on Youtube, and this time it look handsome. Adjust the feets straight, flip over the deck panel over to close up the thigh, flip the toe to the bottom, then squeeze both arms and clam down the thigh, use the blaster as a landing gear that plug on the peg hole underneath the jet to level up right angle.

Top of the fan mode.

Bottom of the plane.

There is several weapons attachment point on the jet mode, one on the nose, one on the back of the jet(groin on bot mode), two on the forearms(not really useful to attach weapons), two on side of the back engine, one under the jet(in the middle of the carrier deck).

Fan mode with full weapons.

Titanmaster Blunderbuss.



Robot mode in 360 GIF. (size of Broadside is too small considering how huge he is in cartoons/comics)

Close up on Broadside face.

This torso design makes me think of D.J.D. Helex, haha, maybe can consider retool one in future? (but I want a Leader class size one, or bigger, hehehe)

Can't really see whats inside the chest, have to use my phone's light to see.

Back with lots of kibble parts. (wings is actually annoys me the most)

Legs details design is not bad, wings part is weird, but still acceptable.

No hollow space looking from behind.

I prefer display it like this way, hide visible wings on the shoulder.

Just simply flip up the wings to the back.

Or maybe fold up the shoulder piece like he is in the IDW comics version.

Head articulations is restricted by the neck piece, same like other voyager class figures.

Without the neck piece, it can turn 360 like in Evil Dead...

Shoulder armor can't fold up, but the shoulder can fold up 90 degree, elbow can fold more than 90 degree, no swivel wrist joint, but it can move inward for transformation use.

Hips and knee joint can fold 90 degree, but the feet can flip over 270 degree.

The sticker on the shoulder doesn't stick on the surface, so, I move it to another side of the tower, surface more flat.

Transparent blue rifle.

Also a sled/turret for Titanmaster.

I like to plug under the forearm for storing or for melee attack.

There is hole on the both shoulders for plug on weapons.

Full arm Autobot Broadside.

Wreckers size comparisons. Broadside is shorter than Springer, sad.

On an advance recon mission along with Roadbuster and Scoop against Thunderwing.

Who will win if Turmoil VS Broadside?

"Is Megatron! Attack---!!"

On Megatron's trial, he is standing beside and escorting the former tyrant of Decepticons.

Later he joint the Lost Light crew along with Megatron to continue his life. (still missing some characters in this picture)

Thanks for watching!

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