Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hasbro Transformers Titans Return, Twin Twist.


Twin Twist
will sink his drills into anything, tearing it to shreds at the smallest excuse. He loves violence and fighting as much as your average Decepticon, full of fury and the desire to show off just how much destruction he's capable of doing.

Optimus Prime sometimes worries about his uncontrollable nature, but no one can argue that he isn't an effective warrior. It's probably not much of a surprise that he fits right in with the Wreckers.As a Jumpstarter, Twin Twist and his brother Topspin can transform between modes in a fraction of an instant (.4 of a second). {fromtfwiki}

Alt mode 360 GIF.

Top of Twin Twist alt mode.

The same cockpit like his brother Topspin.

The interior is nothing different from the other one, just the front part is changed.

Maintenance mode? I really like how all those panels open up like this.

With a display stand peg hole under the tank.

Wheels doesn't work well on this mode, the front wheels is kind of stuck, it does not roll smoothly.

In alt mode, weapons can store on the side of the tank.

Another way to store the weapon.

Full weapons attach on the alt mode, full fire powaaaa---!

Gerwalk mode?? (wanted to include this, because it looks funny, lol. Somehow, it look like Mechwarrior too)

Alt mode comparing to Topspin, the main body is not that much different, except the front drills and tracks parts.

But the back engine part is not same.

Titanmaster Flameout.



Titanmaster Flameout vs Freezeout. Flameout is totally in plain light grey plastic, but Freezeout is light grey and blue colors, but Flameout eyes(visor) is painted blue.

Twin Twist robot mode 360 GIF

Close up on Twin Twist face, silver face with eyes painted blue, seems like he is not wearing sunglasses compare to Topspin.

Blue color torso with painted silver on the left chest.

Back is the most different things to recognize Twin Twist and Topspin.

The front of the legs is same like Topspin, but actually the bottom of the feet is different.

The most notable things on the back of the legs is the wheels and the heel is different from Topspin.

All of the articulations on this figure is same with his brother, Topspin.

Elbow can fold up to touch shoulder.

Waist 360 swivel joint, a bit loose.

Leg joints works well like Topspin, just the knee joint a bit loose and the toe joint is a little tighter than his brother.

The waist mushroom peg pop off easily when I was transforming Twin Twist, it is very loose, this doesn't happen on Topspin, is it the quality getting worst on this mold?

The two guns is exactly the same with Topspin, just the color beneath the paint is blue. (Topspin version is light grey)

Combined gun.

Titanmaster can't really attach on the combined gun, just sitting there like so.

 Another Jumpstarter gunslinger.

Comparing with Topspin, colors is almost invert from Topspin, only the knee color is different. (please click HERE to Topspin post)

Most of the mechanics work same like his brother Topspin, mostly different on parts, like face, front end of the cockpit, the drills part, shoulder thread part, back panel of the lower leg, feet.

Wreckers height comparing. (have to get Blur and Broadside sooner or later)

Twin brothers of Jumpstarter.

Spark branch senses with his brother, Topspin.

Fierce soldier from Wreckers.

[IDW Comics Transformers : Last Stand Of The Wreckers (#3)] On an assault mission on Garrus-9, Twin Twist group up with only Springer in one of the Wreckers teams, fight against Overlord's soldiers, those Decepticons has taken Garrus-9 as their base planet.

Twin Twist drilled a floor into lower room, but fell into it, but was then save by Springer.

They accidentally triggered a defense trap and was held prison by Decepticons. In the prison(Spark Extracintion Chamber), Decepticon giving Twin Twist a torturing surgical operation which the Autobot wasn't that much enjoying.

[Last Stand Of The Wreckers #4] In the end, Topspin end his life to stop Twin Twist from suffering...

I really wish rescuers could come earlier to help Twin Twist and others...

Or maybe Springer could escape from the torture bed and attack the torturer from the back...

Thanks for watching!

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