Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mastermind Creations Reformatted R-32 Stray. (aka not Drift)


was not always an Autobot. In fact, he slaughtered quite a few when he was known as the Decepticon Deadlock. But Deadlock's eyes were opened to what the Transformers' war had become when he stumbled across a lost faction of neutral Transformers long since forgotten. He discarded his ruthless ways, abandoned his guns for swords, and changed his name and appearance.

When Drift returned to the Transformer war to make right what he put wrong, he was a bot of few words and disciplined action. He since went on to be an enthusiastic spiritualist and a self-punishing crusader, all in an attempt to get away from the nasty parts of his personality that are still lurking within him. It doesn't matter what his personality is because with his Decepticon past, Drift isn't well-liked or trusted by a few of the Autobots and some of the Decepticons think he's just lying about having changed. This hits Drift more than you might think because at the end of the day, despite his loner attitude, Drift really just wants to be part of something.

MMC R-32 Stray with its box, the usual Matermind Creations box design.

Alt mode 360 GIF.

The top view of the alt mode.

Canopy can open up, but no seats in the cockpit.

Here's the different angle shot of the alt mode.

Most of the weapons can store under the vehicle.

The stored weapon is visible from the back of the car.

Drift comparing to Wing alt mode.

A lots different on the alt mode, but actually they share the same basic body and transformation style.

It's clearly recognizable from beneath that this two figure is sharing the same body frame, arms, thighs.

Drift alt mode compares to TR series Hot Rod, Drift is huge.

Check out the A to R video of MMC R-32 Stray:

Drift robot mode 360 GIF.

Close up on Drift face. Drift is actually look like Wing in the comic, kind of confusing.

The chest almost look like in the comic, but the skirt armor look total different from the comic.

The back look smoother than Wing's back, I prefer this one.

The legs look not exactly same in the comic, but it looks good.

No hollowed space on the back of the legs.

180 rotate neck ball joint, back-forward movement is available but not much.

Shoulder build with hinge and ball joint, it can swing over to the top, more than 160 degree angle fold elbow, ball joint wrist but it can only swivel.

360 degree angle waist swivel.

The articulations on the legs is not bad, hips 90 degree angle upward and outward swing, almost 180 degree fold knee, ball joint ankle and toe.

The three basic sword included in this box, two short sword and one great sword, this is also included in R-29 Aero Alpha box.

The red transparent version of the short swords, I think it suppose to be spark power up version?

He is always suitable to hold two swords.

This first edition R-32 come with a cape sets, I don't know how it really works, I just try to fiddle it on, hopes it looks okay.

This cape suitable for R-29 and R-31, they are compatible.

Better or worst? It is better that this capes are included.

I forgot to mention, the rear wheels can fold in for more streamlined appearance in robot mode.

Compare to all my MMC figures.

Compare to Hasbro different series figures. He is clearly not compatible to Generations series figures.

(IDW Comics Transformers : Drift #1)
"What's happening? What's... What's going on?" Drift is confusing, he woke up in place he isn't recognize.
Previously, he and Wing was planning to save the slave on a remote planet, but Drift chose to fled the planet, was then ambush by slavers before boarding the escape ship.

"Your body were severely damaged, almost completely destroyed. We rebuilt you, Decepticon, your life was saved." Wing explain what is happen to Drift, and the new city of the fleeing Cybertronian on the planet.

"So, you're the best then -- the strongest -- and because of that you should rule?" Wing.
"Yes." Drift respond.
"Prove it, no guns, no swords, prove it!" Wing shout.
Wing learned that he was a Decepticon, because Drift was living in the life of power and superiority, Wing wants to teach him a lesson, power is not everything.

BOOM--!! Drift is no match against Wing in close combat.
"We are going to do this everyday, if you can prove me wrong, you are free to walk out of here, if you don't..." Wing said.
"If I don't...?" Drift asked.
"You're here forever..." Wing reply.
Drift told Wing how he join the Decepticons, and what he thought was right, the thought of bringing back the peace to Cybertron by war, with Megatron.

"You stand against the knights' laws, you're one of them, but you're different." Drift is confusing why Wing help him.
"I told you when we first met, helping another is the highest cause one can aspire to. I do it because I think it's right." Wing said.
Just before this, Drift receive a coded message from the Decepticons Lockdown and the slavers, they demand Drift hand over the location of the Crystal City.

"Drift, where are you going!?"
Drift decided what he should do, and straight to the Knight of the Circle council.

"There's an army of slavers out there preparing for war, and very soon they'll be on your doorstep!"
He explained to the council members what is happening on the situation now, but the council master Dai Atlas wasn't listening.

Drift and Wing gather the volunteers to fight for the city, they all fought only by swords...

"We're not done yet..." Wing was killed by head slaver, Braid, Dai Atlas also regretted, he raised the city to the ground and shocked the enemies. Drift was very angry and badly injured, he obtained Wing's great sword and slew the head slaver.

Those who survive the battle gathers around Wing's dead body to mourn.
"Will you join us, Drift?" Dai Atlas ask.
"I am honored, but I must refuse. I promised Wing I would help him free the slaves, that's a promise I intend to keep." Drift reply.

"I don't know where I belong anymore, not with Decepticons obviously. Logic would dictate I join Autobots, but..." Drift is still thinking.
"Then take this." Dai Atlas hand over Wing's great sword again to Drift.
"Allow it to serve as a reminder of who you are and what you have achieved here. Stay true to your new path and uphold your honor..." Dai Atlas accept him as one of them, as he is always welcome to come back to the Crystal City.

He joined the Autobots and fights for freedoms after the incident.

In sometimes, Drift met his old comrade and fight, but Drift didn't kill Turmoil.

Later, Drift join the crew of Lost Light searching for the old legend, as the third-in-command.

"You gotta help me on this, Drift!" Rodimus seems like a little panic.
"What? What did you do this time, what is the mess now?" Drift know Rodimus always done something to provoke Ultra Magnus, he smell troubles.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME, RODIMUS!!?" Ultra Magnus suddenly appears from behind. I think Rodimus is done this time...

The bots of betrayals, but to the light...

IDW Comics Transformers : Drift - Empire Of Stone, Drift Versus Gigatron.

The actual size of Gigatron compares to Drift, just some photo shooting skill and photo editing to do the size illusion.

Wing and Drift, the defenders of Crystal City.

The Autobots sword master.

Thank you for watching!

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