The top of the vehicle.
One mistake step the truck will be looking like this, low down front wheels. (because I didn't see the instruction menu)
A weird place to seat the Primemaster, action movie style?
I much prefer it use like this, like Powermaster engines, not bad. (now this is time travel car, BTTF...)
The truck is actually split to two from the middle.
Battleslash alt mode 360 GIF.
There is a Primemaster seat at the back of the heli, but I prefer using it like that. By the design of the heli, I think it can transform into Gerwalk mode.
No display stand peg hole under the heli, a bit of flaw on the alt mode of Battleslash.
Combine mode of the alt mode? (just kidding) Good for transporting the truck, haha.
is a bit of a liar. He enjoys tormenting Autobots alongside Battleslash, his partner in crime, and the two can combine to form the Duocon Battletrap.
Roadtrap robot mode 360 GIF.
Close up on the face of Roadtrap, face is masked, helmet look like simplify version of Battletrap. I like the design of the head, but actually the back of the head sculpt is hollow.
The printing looks good on the chest, the chest is a two piece armor plate to cover the limbs of Battletrap.
The ugliest parts of the figure, totally naked back. The display stand peg hole is too large to fit in Bandai or Figma figure display stand, bummer.
I like how they design to transform the feet, and it looks good too, very nostalgic feel.
The back heel support is very long, too long maybe.
Head can turn 360, but a little too loose for Battletrap waist joint. Shoulder can lift upward more than 90 degree, but it actually can do more, because of the shoulder shape, it get caught to the side of the torso, have to adjust the shoulder to lift more. Elbow joint is ball joint, it can fold more than 90 degree.
The arm can't swing to the back, it get stuck at the protruded back.
No joint on the waist. Legs articulations is good, hips is on ball joint, knee joint can fold 90 degree angle.
Primemaster can attach on the chest of Roadtrap, but it is loose, it will fall off if shake the figure.
is very egotistical. He enjoys tormenting Autobots alongside Roadtrap, his partner in crime, and the two can combine to form the Duocon Battletrap.
Battleslash robot mode 360 GIF.
Close up on the face Battleslash, the helmet of the bot look like heli pilot helmet, and the face is a lot smaller than Roadtrap.
Torso detail looks not bad, the deep blue paint is metalic too, the only thing look ugly is the crotch part.
The back is the heli canopy, and the nose of the heli look like a tail of fish.
The neck mushroom peg of Battletrap is visible on the back of Battleslash, it add up some details on the figure.

Thigh is bulk up, lower leg design is looking okay.
Not so much different from the front.
Head turn 360, shoulder joint swing upward over 180 degree angle, elbow ball joint can fold 90 degree.
No waist swivel, hips on ball joint, doing well, knee ball joint can fold 90 degree angle.
Comparison of Legend class figures with Roadtrap and Battleslash.
Compare with different classes figures.
Roadtrap and Battleslash in combining mode.
The back of the combining mode. The heel is too long even for the combined figure, I think the figure is still capable of standing stably if cut away the heel 5 mm.
Battletrap 360 GIF.
Close up on Battletrap face, very nice renew design, but the top of the ears should be more pointy compare to the G1 version.
The upper and lower body design is very different, but they look nice smashing together, haha.
Back of the figure looks a bit mess, they should put more efforts on the back.
Head turn 360, ball joint shoulder lift 90 degree upward, knee ball joint fold 90 degree, and it is the legs of Battleslash.
Waist swivel joint is the neck joint of Roadtrap, but the joint is really loose for using as waist joint.
Because of the heli nose joint, this figure can do sort of like abs crunch move in certain angle.
Don't know how to explain to this leg articulations, it can fold into cube, good or bad?
This two figures doesn't come with weapon, but they still got 5 mm peg hole on the hand, but in Battletrap combine mode, there is a protruded piece on the fist, a heel support of Battleslash, the figure can hold thin weapon like in the picture. (Hardhead G36 like gun)
But if holding the thick gun like this, it will hold the gun tilted, isn't there is another place to put the heel support?
I found out if flip the propeller over, the clip will grip the propeller and it will stop rotating, good for display or posing.
I found many fan modes on web for Battletrap, here is some of the configuration.
This is V back fan mode, not very different from the front.
But at the back, Battleslash arms is in V shape, both arms plug together to make much cleaner look at the back.
The second one is the backpack style back.
Fold the arms one to the inside the other one to the outside, it makes a backpack on the back.
And the backpack can become a heli pack for Battletrap to fly too, lol.
G1 style mode. My favorite fan mode, basically this is the renew version of G1 Battletrap.

To do this mode you have get the CW Aerialbot Airraid, using his gun for Battletrap shoulder cannon.

Asura mode. The liberated mode of Battletrap?

I think in this mode he will be very aggressive, so he should be using mostly close combat weapons, haha.

G1 origin fan mode, back to the old original look of Battletrap.
Unfortunately of the back heavy, I have to use the propeller to support the figure.
Arachnid mode, a weird and creepy fan mode.
It is kind of cool the figure can do this. Maybe he is bitten by Arachnia and he transform into Spider-bot?
In this mode, the butt have to split to make the rear legs seperate.
The Roadslash fan combine mode. He is kind of an armor version of combine mode. (it look better remove the propeller)
Roadtrap is actually just rest on Battleslash, and using all the arms to roughly lock two figures together.
Battletrap compares to the other series TF figures. After the releasing of this nice Battletrap action figures, I am looking forward to the next Duocons to come, the Flywheels, when it will be release!?
Duocons are attacking Headmaster Hardhead.
It seems like Hardhead can't fight against this two Minicons.
"Roadtrap, unite!", "Yes, Battleslash!" Duocons decided to combine their power to finish off the Headmaster.
"I am Battletrap--!" he taunt.
"What!? They are combiners!?" Hardhead is shocked by their actions.
"Prepare to die, Headmaster!" Battletrap jumps to Hardhead to give the final blow.
"!?" Hardhead notice something.
"Hmm!?" Battletrap stopped.
Battletrap limbs is still shorter than normal Cybertronians, good thing Hardhead saw that.
("DING--!" The sound from the background)
"Why after all this years fighting with those stupid Decepticons, we Autobots still can't banish them all??" this difficult question bother us for decades, but we still can't answer it, sigh.......(very long sigh)
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