Sunday, March 11, 2018

Takara Transformers Legends LG61 Decepticons Clone Bot sets, Pounce and Wingspan. (ft, G1 Punch/Counterpunch)


Windspan beast mode in 360 GIF .

One might quickly dismiss Wingspan as the weaker of the two Clone brothers, and at first glance that may seem true. After all, Pounce is an elite counter-intelligence agent feared by comrade and foe alike, whereas Wingspan is a rather lowly data processor. In truth, though, Wingspan is just as ruthless and driven as his brother, but merely focuses his efforts on a single goal: knowledge. Wingspan doesn't care if he's surfing the cortex or tearing open an Autobot's chest to stimulate his victim's vocal processor manually, so long as he gets some new information out of it.

Dorsal view of the hawk.

There is groove on the back for Headmaster to sit in.

It is bad position to put the display stand peg hole on the tail, it would be better if they put the peg hole under the tail wing. Because in robot mode, it can fold up the tail panel to use the peg hole, same as Pounce.

Pounce beast mode in 360 GIF.

is the Decepticon equivalent of Repugnus (though the difference between the two is fairly microscopic). He does the dirty jobs that even the other Decepticons find repugnant. And as far as he's concerned, the dirtier the better. Anti-social, vicious, nasty, wily, silent, deadly and merciless are all appropriate descriptors for Pounce. What few realize is that much of Pounce's success at his job stems from the carefully cultivated reputation he's created for himself.

Dorsal view of the jaguar(or puma?).

The same groove seat on Pounce.

A really odd place to put the display stand peg hole at the end of the tail, why not they put on the tail panel?

The special attack mode of Wingspan in the LG-61 instruction menu manga.

I did try make the attack mode in the manga, but this is not the right way Pounce equip the Targetmaster gun.

I was simply fiddle the gun in between Pounce arm to make the gun stay on Pounce, it will fall by any chance, and Pounce front feet doesn't stay on the ground too. (check the above picture) I did try peg the handle on the hand, but the gun is too thick and it lift the figure up, Pounce front feet can't even touch the ground.

I can't do the scene in the manga, because I have no red Targetmaster in my collections, and those red Targetmasters is on Autobots side.

Wingspan robot mode 360 GIF.

Pounce robot mode 360 GIF.

Close up on the face of Wingspan. (the head sculpt is identical)

The torso look quite nice, with some resemblance to the Autobot Clones.

The torso of Pounce is mostly identical except for the chest emblem.

They are totally different looking from behind.

Head can turn 360.

Shoulder can fold 90 degree, there is a bicep swivel joint(better than the Autobot Clones), more than 90 degree fold elbow joint, but no wrist joint.

Shoulder can fold to front like the Autobot Clones, extra articulations.

Hips joint is quite good on the figure, but the knee joint can only fold near 90 degree on Wingspan.

But Pounce knee joint can fold more than 90 degree if move away the beast leg in the robot leg.

Were-feline mode? Haha.

Compare with Autobot Clones. Click HERE to check the LG-58 post. I much prefer the face design of the Autobots sets, but both sets are really nice to get.

Compares to other Legend series characters, clones are bigger than normal Legends class figures.

Size comparison with different class figures.

The deceiving brothers betray Fastlane and Cloudraker, and they joint the forces of Decepticons...

After the betrayal, they are destine to fight to each others on the battlefield.

Equipped with Targetmasters, they are stronger than ever. (the scene in the manga)

"It's the spy! Beat him up!!", "Yeah--!!", "What? Not again~~!?" Punch is shocked seeing the Decepticon Clones in Autobots base again.

"Uurgh... Help..." Punch call in pain, "If we ever saw you again...", "Yeah! You are finish!" those clones threaten Punch to never show up again, poor Punch...

(BONUS) My old G1 Punch/Counterpunch. (I lost my dual barrel gun long time ago, can't find it)

The back of Punch.

Counterpunch mode. (most of the joints is working, but a little bit tight because of the plastic is deforming, I think this toys is with me more than 20 years??)

He show his true identity from looking his back, haha, turn around, man.

Size comparison to the clones.

The front of the car looks like the Corvette from 84. Alt mode of Punch, it is too old, even the front bonnet changed color.

The back of the vehicle looks like some 80's Mitsubishi car? (I check back the details of the vehicle mode, it is Pontiac Fiero from 80's)
Thanks for watching!

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